Bibliography and Citations

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Solem A..  1974.  Unpublished field notes regarding two locations of Oreohelix jugalis.  
Solem A., Clarke A.H.  1974.  Preliminary report to Dr. Marc C. Imlay, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on the status of potentially endangered land snail species of the Salmon River Valley.  
Solem A..  1974.  The shell makers: introducing Mollusks.
Solem A.  1975.  Notes on Salmon River oreohelicid land snails, with description of Oreohelix waltoni.  Veliger.  18(1):16-30.  Available from
Soleglad ME, Fet V.  2008.  Contributions to scorpion systematics. III. Subfamilies Smeringurinae and Syntropinae (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae).  Euscorpius.  71:1-115.  Available from
Soileau S, Laustsen P, Puckett C.  2013.  How will native Rocky Mountain trout fare with climate changes? Science Features: Top Story (Blog).    Available from
Soil Conservation Service.  0.  Land ownership maps for the Boise Foothills: Boise North, Boise South, and Eagle USGS topographic quads.  
Soil Conservation Service.  1982.  National list of scientific plant names. Volume 2: synonmy.  
Soil Conservation Service.  1982.  National list of scientific plant names. Volume 1: list of plant names.  
Soil L, Water Conservation District.  Submitted.  No description.  Latah Soil and Water Conservation District..  
Sohrabi M, Stenroos S, Hognabba F, Nordin A, Owe-Larsson B.  2011.  Aspicilia rogeri sp. nov. (Megasporaceae) and other allied vagrant species in North America.  Bryologist.  114:178-189.
Sodhi N.S.  1992.  Growth of nestling merlins, Falco columbarius.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  106:387-389.
Soderstrom L..  1988.  The occurrence of epixylic bryophyte and lichen species in an old natural and a managed forest stand in northeastern Sweden.  Biological Conservation.  45:169-178.
Society for Study of Amphibians, Reptiles.  1989.  Monetary values of U.S. amphibians.  Herpetological Reviews.  20(2):1-4.
Soberón J, A. Peterson T.  2005.  Interpretation of models of fundamental ecological niches and species' distributional areas.  Biodiversity Informatics.  2:1-10.  Available from
Snyder D.B.  1993.  Extinct, extirpated, or historical? or in defense of historical species Bartonia.  57(Supplement):50-57.
Snyder D.B.  1985.  Additions to New Jersey's flora.  Bartonia.  51:95-98.
Snyder N.FR, Snyder H.A.  1973.  Experimental study of feeding rates of nesting Coopers hawks.  Condor.  75:461-463.
Snowbank S.A., Krajewski. C..  1995.  Lack of restriction-site variation in mitochondrial-DNA control region of Whooping Cranes (Grus americana).  Auk.  2(4):1045-1049.
Snow C..  1973.  Habitat management series for endangered species. Report No. 5. Southern bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus, and northern bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus.  
Snow C..  1972.  Habitat management series for unique or endangered species. Report No. 1. American peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus anatum, and Arctic peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus tundrius.  
Snow C..  1973.  Habitat management series for endangered species. Report No. 6. San Joaquin kit fox, Vulpes macrotis mutica, related subspecies and the swift fox, Vulpes velox.  
Snow C..  1974.  Habitat management series for unique or endangered species. Report No. 13. Ferruginous hawk, Buteo regalis.  
Snoddy L.  2023.  2021 all regions lentic breeding amphibian surveys.  
Snoddy L.  2022.  2022 Freshwater Mussel surveys.