Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Lorain C.C.  1990.  Report on the conservation status of Antennaria arcuata in Idaho.  
Lichthardt J., Mancuso M..  1991.  Report on the conservation status of Allotropa virgata (candystick) on the Nez Perce National Forest. I. Field survey and first - and second - year monitoring results.  
Solem A., Clarke A.H.  1974.  Report on status survey for Salmon River Valley land snails.  
Greenleaf J..  1980.  Report on Penstemon elegantulus Penn.  
Greenleaf J..  1980.  Report on Mentzelia mollis Peck.  
Servheen G., Young D..  1989.  Report on grizzly bear research in the Nelson Range of the Selkirk Mountains, June 1988-March 1989.  
Castellano M.A.  1994.  Report on fungi.  
Luque M.H.  1983.  Report on fisher survey-1983-for the Idaho Department of Fish & Game.  
Baker C.W.  1983.  A report on field studies relative to the insects associated with Mirabilis macfarlanei during bloom period with emphasis on pollination.  
Kennison J.A.  1980.  Report on Camassia cusickii.  
Kennison J.A.  1980.  Report on Astragalus mulfordiae.  
McNeal D.W.  1995.  Report on Allium.  
Diller L., Wallace R..  1985.  Report on a survey of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness for the Coeur d'Alene salamander, Plethodon vandykei.  
Lichthardt J..  1992.  Report on a sensitive plant survey of portions of the Sneaky-Sheep, Mid-Skull/Upper Bear, and Leuty timber sale areas.  
Markow S..  1993.  Report on a general floristic survey of vascular plants of the Targhee National Forest.  
Markow S., Fertig W..  1993.  Report on a general floristic survey of vascular plants of the Targhee National Forest and vicinity.  
Behnke R..  1987.  Report on a collection of native cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki bouvieri, from Eightmile Canyon, Cassia County, Idaho.  
Trigoboff N..  1987.  Report on 1987 sensitive plant species on the Priest Lake Ranger District, Idaho Panhandle National Forest, ID.  
Servheen C., Hamilton A., Knight R., McLellan B..  1991.  Report of the technical review team: evaluation of the Bitterroot and North Cascades to sustain viable grizzly bear populations.  
Leppert L..  2001.  Report of bat survey of Idaho Bird Observatory Lucky Peak Idaho.  
Doering B.  1998.  Report of 1998 bat survey efforts for spotted bat [cover letter and IDFG banding/collecting/possession/commercial permit report].  
Sieracki P..  1987.  Report forms for Gaultheria hispidula population on Smith Creek near Dirt Oven Campground, Kaniksu NF.  
Heidel B..  1980.  Report for Silene spaldingii.  
Regan T.  2018.  Report Appendix for Yellow-billed Cuckoo surveys in 2018 from IDFG regions 4, 5 and 6.  
Halford D.K.  1978.  Repopulation and food habits of small mammals on a burned sagebrush desert.