Bibliography and Citations

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Anonymous.  2002.  Draft lynx linkage zones.  
Anonymous.  1975.  The genus Dodecatheon Linnaeus in British Columbia.  Davidsonia.  6(1):7-13.
Anonymous.  0.  The Pliocene fauna of Hagerman, a study of alternatives.  
Anonymous.  2005.  Lepidium papilliferum technical team meeting minutes.
Anonymous.  0.  Explanations for field title.  
Anonymous.  0.  List of land ownership/management associated with Idaho ground squirrel colony sites.  
Anonymous.  0.  Summary of Elk-Valley ID Team's issues and concerns relating to Allotment Management Plans and the Elk Valley pRNA.  
Anonymous.  0.  Birdlife in western junipers.  
Anonymous.  2006.  Correspondence over penetrative trampling livestock trigger for EO71.  
Anonymous.  0.  Aerial photographs of the lower Boise River.  
Anonymous.  1996.  Candystick plant conservation strategy mapped by GIS.  ARC News.  18(4):16.
Anonymous.  0.  Field key for Salix spp.  
Anonymous.  0.  Dialog Information Services printout of citations to publications associated with Townsend's big-eared bat.  
Anonymous.  1988.  Cumulative effects analysis process for the Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear ecosystems.  
Anonymous.  1990.  Status report on Spiranthes diluvialis.  
Anonymous.  1977.  Idaho Natural Area Nomination (form), Pony Meadows Research Natural Area.  
Anonymous.  0.  Bull Run Project, issues and concerns and FERC study plan.  
Anonymous.  1971.  Species list for the flora of Upper Fishhook Research Natural Area.  
Annis D., Kuykendall C..  1996.  Survey of Cardamine constancei locations within Proposed Washington Creek Campground Improvements/Reconstruction.  
Annable CR, Peterson PM.  1988.  Vascular plants of the Kettle Range, Ferry County, Washington.  
C. Ankney D, Dennis DG, Wishard LN, Seeb JE.  1986.  Low genetic variation between black ducks and mallards.  Auk.  103(4):701-709.
Angradi T.R.  1989.  South Fork of the Snake River, Idaho - preserve design package.  
Angelo R..  1979.  Ledum groenlandicum rediscovered in Concord, Massachusetts.  Rhodora.  81(826):285-286.
Andrus R.E, Karlin E.F, Talbot S.S.  1992.  Rare and endangered Sphagnum species in North America.  Biological Conservation.  59:247-254.
Andrus R.E, Layser E.F.  1976.  Sphagnum in the northern Rocky Mountains of the United States.  Bryologist.  79:508-511.