Bibliography and Citations

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Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Tofieldia glutinosa var. absona.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Astragalus amnis-amissi.  
N. Atwood D, Welsh SL.  2007.  New taxa of Camissonia (Onagraceae); Erigeron, Hymenoxys, and Tetradymia (Compositae); Lepidium and Physaria (Cruciferae) from Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.  Rhodora.  109(940):395-414.  Available from
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Haplopappus radiatus.  
Atwood D..  1985.  Management plan for Castilleja christii and Cymopterus davisii.  
Atwood D..  1988.  Status report for Penstemon compactus.  
Atwood D., DeBolt A..  2000.  Field guide to the special status plants of the Bureau of Land Management Lower Snake River District.  
Atwood D., Charlesworth N..  1987.  Status report for Halimolobos perplexa var. perplexa.  
Atkinson EC, Atkinson ML.  1990.  Distribution and status of flammulated owls (Otus flammeolus) on the Salmon National Forest.  
Atkinson E.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Atkinson, Eric.  
Atkinson E.C, Atkinson M.L.  1990.  Distribution and status of Harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) on the Targhee National Forest.  
Atkinson E.C.  1991.  Winter ecology of northern shrikes (Lanius excubitor) in Idaho: foraging, territories, and niche overlap with American kestrels (Falco sparverius).  :133pp.
Atkinson E.C.  1991.  Distribution and status of harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) and common loons (Gavia immer) on the Targhee National Forest.  
Atkinson R.G.  1965.  Phytophthora species inciting root rot of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana and other ornamentals in coastal British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  43:1471-1475.
Atkinson C.  2011.  Beyond Bullet Points, 3rd Edition: Using Microsoft PowerPoint to Create Presentations That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire. Edition 3rd.  Business Skills Series.  Redmond (Washington): Microsoft Press.  
Atkinson E.  1989.  Great gray owl (Strix nebulosa) surveys on the Payette National Forest.  
Atkinson E.C.  1993.  Winter territories and night roosts of northern shrikes in Idaho.  Condor.  95:525-527.
Atkinson E.C, Cade T.J.  1993.  Winter foraging and diet composition of northern shrikes in Idaho.  Condor.  95:528-535.
Atkins D., Byler J., Livingston L., Rogers P., Bennett D..  1999.  Health of Idaho forests.  
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Teaming With Wildlife Committee, Effectiveness Measures Working Group.  2011.  Measuring the effectiveness of State Wildlife Grants: final report.    Available from
Association for Biodiversity Information.  2001.  Knowledge to protect the diversity of life.  
Associated Press.  1993.  Official says idea to aid salmon could further endanger snails.  Idaho Statesman.  40954
Associated Press.  1993.  Study finds only empty snail shells in Snake.  Idaho Statesman.  Monday, May 10:3C.
Associated Press.  1984.  Salamander takes role in hydro debate.  Idaho Statesman.  41113
Associated Press.  1996.  Teams search for rare Idaho bat.  Idaho Press Tribune.  Monday August 5:4A.