Bibliography and Citations

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Chung-MacCoubrey A.L.  2003.  Monitoring long-term reuse of trees by bats in pinyon-juniper woodlands of New Mexico.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  31(1):73-79.
Chuluunbat S, Morse JC, Lessard JAL, M. Benbow E, Wesener MD, Hudson J.  2010.  Evolution of terrestrial habitat in Manophylax species (Trichoptera:Apataniidae), with a new species from Alaska.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society.  29(2):413-430.  Available from
Chubbs TE, Keith LB, Mahoney SP, McGrath MJ.  1993.  Responses of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) to clear-cutting in east-central Newfoundland.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  71(3):487-493.  Available from
Chuang T., Hsieh W.C, Wilken D.H.  1978.  Contribution of pollen morphology to systematics of Collomia (Polemoniaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  65(4):450-458.
Christy J.A, Wagner D.H.  1996.  Guide for the identification of rare, threatened or sensitive bryophytes in the range of the northern spotted owl, western Washington, western Oregon, and northwestern California.  
Christy J.A, Johnson P.J.  1988.  Two mosses new to Idaho.  Evansia.  5:16.
Christy JA.  1994.  Noteworthy collections - Oregon.  Madrono.  41:331.
Christy J.A, Harpel J.S.  1997.  Rare bryophytes of the interior Columbia River Basin and northern Great Basin.  Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory.  82:61-75.
Christy JA.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Christy, John A..  
Christy RE, West SD.  1993.  Biology of bats in Douglas-fir forests.  Biology and management of old-growth forests.    Available from
Christy J.A, Lyford J.H, Wagner D.H.  1982.  Checklist of Oregon mosses.  Bryologist.  85(1):22-36.
Christy J.A, Harpel J.S.  1995.  Bryophytes of the Columbia River Basin, south of the Canadian border.  
Christiansen RL.  2001.  The Quaternary and Pliocene Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana.  Geology of Yellowstone National Park.    Available from
Christiansen RL, Bonnichsen B, Breckenridge R.M.  1982.  Late Cenozoic volcanism of the Island Park area, eastern Idaho. Cenozoic geology of Idaho.  Moscow (ID): Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology.   p. 345-368.  Available from
Christian DP.  1999.  Distribution and abundance of bog lemmings (Synaptomys cooperi and S. borealis) and associated small mammals in lowland habitats in northern Minnesota (sensitive mammals of the Chippewa National Forest).  Conservation Biology Research Grants Program, Project Report.  
Christensen TKjaer, Lassen P, Elmeros M.  2012.  High exposure rates of anticoagulant rodenticides in predatory bird species in intensively managed landscapes in Denmark.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  63(3):437–444.  Available from
Christensen J.R.  1988.  Two letters to IDFG regarding locations of special animals on the Burley District BLM, Deep Creek RA.  
Christensen J.R.  1989.  Letter of December 27, 1989, to Idaho Natural Heritage Program describing locations of special plants and animals on the Burley District BLM, Deep Creek RA.  
Christensen J..  1990.  Letter to Craig Groves, dated 17 July, containing locations of ferruginous hawk and Swainson's hawk nests on the Deep Creek Resource Area, Burley District BLM.  
Christensen N.L, al. et.  1996.  The report of the ecological society of America committee on the scientific basis for ecosystem management.  Ecological Applications.  6(3):665-691.
Christensen J..  1991.  Letter to Craig Groves, dated 10 September, containing locations of burrowing owl, long-billed curlew, ferruginous hawk, and Swainson's hawk nests on the Deep Creek Resource Area, Burley District BLM.  
Christensen E.M.  1963.  The foothill bunchgrass vegetation of central Utah.  Ecology.  44:156-158.
Christensen G..  1992.  The feeding and foraging ecology of Diadophis punctatus, the ringneck snake.  :35pp..
Christensen E.M, Hunt M.L.  1965.  A bibliography of Engelmann Spruce.  
Christensen J.R.  1981.  The butterflies of the Pacific Northwest.