Bibliography and Citations

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Will G.C.  1984.  Statewide surveys and inventories: game bird and rabbit population status, trends and harvest. 1 April 1983 - 31 March 1984.  
Will G.C.  1991.  Idaho Department of Fish and Game statewide surveys and inventory, 1 April 1986 to 30 September 1991, five year job completion report, Study II, Job 2, waterfowl production and summer banding. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise.  
Wilken D.H.  1975.  A systematic study of the genus Hulsea (Asteraceae).  Brittonia.  27(3):228-244.
Wilken D.H, Smith D.M, Harborne J.B, Glennie C.W.  1982.  Flavonoid and anthocyanin patterns and the systematic relationships in Collomia.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.  10(3):239-243.
Wilken D., Harmon W., Feddema C., Harrington H..  1978.  Distributional records for the Colorado flora.  Great Plains Naturalist.  38(2):208-210.
Wildlife Conservation Society.  2007.  Greater Yellowstone wolverine program: cumulative report May 2007.  
Wilde DB.  1979.  Pygmy rabbit reproduction: possible modification by drought conditions. Myers K, MacInnes CD, editors. Guelph (Ontario): University of Guelph.  
Wilde D.B.  1978.  A population analysis of the pygmy rabbit (Sylvilagus idahoensis) on the INEL site.  :161pp..
Wild Sheep Working Group.  2012.  Recommendations for domestic sheep and goat management in wild sheep habitat.    Available from
Wilcox D.A, Pavlovic N.B, Mueggler M.L.  1985.  Selected ecological characteristics of Scirpus cyperinus and its role as an invader of disturbed wetlands.  Wetlands.  5:87-98.
Wilcox B.A, Murphy D.D.  1985.  Conservation strategy: the effects of fragmentation on extinction.  American Naturalist.  125:879-887.
Wilcox BP, Breshears DD.  1995.  Hydrology and ecology of pinyon-juniper woodlands: conceptual framework and field studies. Desired Future Conditions for Pinyon-Juniper Ecosytems, August 8-12, 1994.  General Technical Report RM-258.  Flagstaff (Arizona): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 109-119.
Wilbur SR.  1976.  New seasonal and distributional records of Idaho birds.  Murrelet.  57(2):32-34.
Wilbur S.R.  1967.  Live-trapping North American upland game birds.  
Wilbur SR.  1965.  Three new birds from Idaho.  Murrelet.  46(3):45-46.  Available from
Wikeem B.M, Pitt M.D.  1992.  Diet of California bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis californiana, in British Columbia: assessing optimal foraging habitat.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  106(3):327-335.
Wik PA.  2002.  Ecology of greater sage-grouse in south-centeral Owhyee County, Idaho.  :141.
Wik J..  2006.  Summary of phone calls made to Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Panhandle and Clearwater Region trappers in regard to fisher sightings. One-page summary plus spreadsheet.  
Wigley T.B, Sweeney J.M.  1993.  Cooperative partnerships and the role of private landowners.  
Wightman CS, Saab VA, Forristal C, Mellen-McLean K, Markus A.  2010.  White-headed woodpecker nesting ecology after wildfire.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  74(5):1098–1106.  Available from
Wiggins D.A, Holt D.W, Leasure S.M.  2006.  Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus).  Birds of North America Online.  (062)  Available from
Wiggins G.B, Anderson N.H.  1968.  Contributions to the systematics of the caddisfly genera Pseudostenophylax and Philocasca with special reference to the immature stages (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  46(1):61-75.
Wiggins D.  2004.  SIDGS at Zoo Boise. PowerPoint presentation, United State Fish and Wildlife Service, southern Idaho ground squirrel annual meeting.
Wiggins GB.  1973.  Contributions to the systematics of the caddisfly family Limnephilidae (Trichoptera). I.  Life Sciences Contributions, Royal Ontario Museum.  94:1-32.  Available from
Wiggins GB.  1973.  New systematic data for the North American caddisfly genera Lepania, Goeracea, and Goerita (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Life Sciences Contribution, Royal Ontario Museum.  91:1-33.  Available from