Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection.  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout. –Superseded by U09TCW01IDUS–.  Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas A & M University. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout. –Superseded by U09TCW01IDUS–.  
University of Utah Museum.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.  
University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.  
University of New Mexico, Museum of Southwestern Biology.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens printout.  
University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History.  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.  University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.–Superseded by U09KUX01IDUS–.  
University of Utah Museum.  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.  University of Utah Museum. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..  
Carnegie Museum of Natural History.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens printout.  
Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens printout.  
U. S. National Museum, Washington D.C..  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.  U. S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..  
University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology.  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.  University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..  
Idaho Museum of Natural History.  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  Idaho Museum of Natural History, Idaho State University. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..  
University of Idaho, Department of Biology.  0.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  University of Idaho, Department of Biology. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..  
Smithonian Institution U. S. National Museum of Natural History.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
California Academy of Sciences.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
Albertson College of Idaho, Museum of Natural History.  Submitted.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  Albertson College of Idaho, Museum of Natural History. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..  
Brigham Young University, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum.  2010.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho Specimens.  
American Museum of Natural History, New York.  2010.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
Los Angeles County Museum.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
University of Montana Zoological Museum.  2010.  Mammal museum specimens - Idaho specimens. Printout.  
Lewis L., Clark State College Museum.  0.  Mammal and bird specimen data - Idaho specimens, Printout.  
Stephenson M., Clark W.H.  2004.  Malad River-Bliss Rapids snail (Taylorconcha serpenticola) distribution.  
Idaho Power Company.  2005.  Malad River, IPC collections, 2005. [Microsoft Excel spreadsheet listing in two tables results of snail sampling in the Malad River in November and December.].  
Alexander R.R.  1985.  Major habitat types, community types, and plant communities in the Rocky Mountains.  
Johnson C.A.  1995.  MacFarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei). Unpublished draft report.  
Idaho Native Plant Society.  2005.  Macfarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei). Discussion notes. Rare Plant Conference, Boise, ID.