Bibliography and Citations

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Brooks M.L, Pyke D.A.  2002.  Invasive plants and fire in the deserts of North America. Miscellaneous Publication No. ll.  
Brosofske KD, Chen J, Naiman RJ, Franklin JF.  1997.  Harvesting effects on microclimatic gradients from small streams to uplands in western Washington.  Ecological Applications.  7(4):1188-1200.
Broughton R.E, Gold J.R.  2000.  Phylogenetic relationships in the North American cyprinid genus CYPRINELLA (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) based on sequences of the mitochondrial ND2 and ND4L genes.  Copeia.  2000:1-10.
Brower LP, Taylor OR, Williams EH, Slayback DA, Zubieta RR, M. Ramirez I.  2012.  Decline of monarch butterflies overwintering in Mexico: is the migratory phenomenon at risk? Insect Conservation and Diversity.  5(2):95-100.
Brower LP, Fink LS, Brower AVan Zandt, Leong K, Oberhauser K, Altizer S, Taylor O, Vickerman D, Calvert WH, Van Hook T et al..  1995.  On the dangers of interpopulational transfers of monarch butterflies.  BioScience.  45(8):540-544.  Available from
Browers, Jr. H.W, Flake L.D.  1983.  Dispersal and harvest of sage grouse utilizing the Test Reactor Area on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, edLaboratory, U. S. Department of Energy, Idaho Falls, DOE/ID-12098.  
Browers, Jr. H.W, Flake L.D.  1983.  Residence time, dispersal, and harvest of waterfowl using a radioactive leaching pond in southeastern IdahoIdaho National Engineering Laboratory radioecology and ecology programs.  
Brown MT, Vivas B.  2005.  Landscape development intensity index.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  101(1-3):289–309.  Available from
Brown C.  1985.  Sand Creek elk. Job Completion Report, Project No. W-160-R.  Southeast Idaho wildlife studies; vol. 1.  
Brown J.L, Li S.-H..  1995.  Phylogeny of social behavior in APHELOCOMA jays: a role for hybridization? Auk.  112:464-472.
Brown R.W, Ruf R.H, Farmer E.E.  1971.  Suitability of Ceanothus prostratus Benth. for the revegetation of harsh sites.  
Brown J.K, Arno S.F, Barrett S.W, Menakis J.P.  1994.  Comparing the prescribed natural fire program with presettlement fires in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.  International Journal of Wildland Fire.  4(3):157-168.
Brown CR, Brown MBomberger.  1999.  Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica).  Birds of North America Online.  (452)  Available from
Brown L.  1979.  Grasses: an identification guide (Sponsored by the Roger Tory Peterson Institute). New York (NY): Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.  
Brown R.W, Amacher M.C, Mueggler W.F, Kotuby-Amacher J..  2003.  Reestablishing naturalsuccession on acidic mine spoils at high elevations: long-term ecological restoration.  
Brown J.K, Simmerman D.G.  1986.  Appraising fuels and flammibility in western aspen: a prescribed fire guide.  
Brown L.M.  1995.  Idaho Panhandle focus area implementation plan, for the Idaho Action Plan, Intermountain West Joint Venture.  
Brown J.L, Parker W.S..  1976.  Movement ecology of Coluber constrictor near communal hibernacula.  Copeia.  1976:225-242.
Brown J, Adkins C, Allwell C, Barkawi R, Bryan J, Bulavinetz R, Burns J, Campbell A, Carpenter M, Cavanaugh D et al..  2006.  Eco-Logical: An Ecosystem Approach to Developing Infrastructure Projects. Washington (DC): Department of Transportation.  
Brown L(Lew).  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Brown, Lewis (Lew)..  
Brown PMartin.  2003.  The wild orchids of North America, north of Mexico. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.    Available from
Brown D.E, Sands A., Clubine S., Braun C.E.  1993.  Strategic plan for quail management and research in the United States: issues and strategies–grazing and range management.
Brown J, Wyers A, Bach L, Aldous A.  2009.  Groundwater-dependent biodiversity and associated threats: a statewide screening methodology and spatial assessment of Oregon.    Available from
Brown L..  1990.  Raptor nest record and survey form for the Moyie bald eagle nest on the Kootenai River.  
Brown C.R.  1990.  Avian use of native and exotic riparian habitats on the Snake River, Idaho.  Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO..