Bibliography and Citations

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Wagner M.R, McMillin J.D.  1995.  Eastside Ecosystem Assessment Project: Role of canopy herbivores.  
Wagner B, Evans Mack D.  2011.  Northern Idaho ground squirrel population monitoring progress report for the 2011 field season.  Threatened and Endangered Species Project E-28-9.  
Wagner G.  1997.  Status of the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in Alberta.    Available from
Wagner W.H, Wagner F.S.  1994.  Rare native Pteridophites of North America.  
Wagner W.H, Farrar D.R, McAlpin B.W.  1970.  Pteridology of the Highlands Biological Station area, southern Appalachians.  Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society.  86(1):1-27.
Wagner, Jr. W.H, Boydston K.E.  1978.  A dwarf coastal variety of maidenhair fern, Adiantum pedatum.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  56:26-1729.
Wagner D.H.  1992.  Guide to the species of Botrychium in Oregon.  
Wai-Ping V., Fenton M.B.  1989.  Ecology of spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) roosting and foraging behavior.  Journal of Mammalogy.  70(3):617-622.
Wai-Ping V, M. Fenton B.  1987.  Habitat use and population status of Euderma maculatum, the spotted bat, in southern British Columbia - 1987.  
J. Waitz A.  1961.  Parasites of Idaho amphibians.  Journal of Parasitology.  47(1):89.  Available from
Wakkinen W.L..  1994.  Selkirk mountains grizzly bear ecology project: December 1993 - December 1994.  
Wakkinen W.L, Zager P..  1992.  Selkirk mountains grizzly ecology project: November 1991 - November 1992.  
Wakkinen W..  2005.  2005 woodland caribou census: south Selkirk Mountains.  
Wakkinen W.L, Allen-Johnson L..  1994.  Selkirk Mountains caribou transplant: December 1992 - December 1993. Annual report.  
Wakkinen W.L..  1993.  Selkirk mountains grizzly bear ecology project: December 1992 - December 1993.  
Wakkinen W.L..  1991.  Grizzly bear newsletter, May 28.  
Wakkinen W.L, Compton B.B, Zager P., Allen-Johnson L..  1992.  Selkirk Mountains caribou transplant: December 1991 - December 1992, annual report.  
Wakkinen W.L, Zager P., Wielgus R..  1990.  Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear ecology project: April 1990 - October 1990.  
Wakkinen WL, Kasworm WF.  2004.  Demographics and population trends of grizzly bears in the Cabinet-Yaak and Selkirk ecosystems of British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, and Washington.  Ursus.  15(1):65-75.  Available from
Wakkinen W..  2006.  2006 woodland caribou census: south Selkirk Mountains.  
Wakkinen W.L, Zager P..  1991.  Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear ecology project: November 1990 - November 1991, Threatened and endangered species report.  
Wales B.C.  2001.  The management of insects, diseases, fire, and grazing and implications for terrestrial vertebrates using riparian habitats in eastern Oregon and Washington.  Northwest Science.  75(Special Issue):119-127.
Walker S.  2001.  Idaho mountain primrose on Square Mountain - White Pine Chapter field trip, June 30-July 1, 2001.  Sage Notes.  23(3):12-13.
Walker K.G.  1983.  [Letter to Bob Parenti]. June 29. Including excerpts from Williams Creek Community Pit Technical Report, and Mining and Reclamation Plan, Williams Creek Community Pit.  
Walker BL, Naugle DE, Doherty KE.  2007.  Greater sage-grouse population response to energy development and habitat loss.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  71(8):2644-2654.  Available from