Bibliography and Citations

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Shaffer JA, Johnson DH.  2009.  Displacement effects of wind developments on grassland birds in the northern Great Plains. Meeting Proceedings. Wind Wildlife Research Meeting VII.  Schwartz SSavitt, editor. Milwaukee (WI; 28-29 Oct 2008): National Wind Coordinating Collaborative, Washington, DC.   p. 57-61.  Available from
Shaffer M., Watchman L.H, Snape, III W.J, Latchis I..  1999.  Population viability analysis and conservation policy.  
Shanklin J.F.  1968.  Natural area project - an historical review of the activities and accomplishments of the committee on natural areas. Reprinted from Journal of Forestry 66(11).  Journal of Forestry.  66(11):notpaged.
Shanklin J.F.  1957.  Natural area values. Reprinted from Proceedings, Society of American Foresters, Syracuse, New York.  
Shanklin JF.  1958.  Criteria for management of natural areas.  Journal of Forestry.  56(9)
Shanklin JF.  1960.  Natural area selection policy.  Journal of Forestry.  58(9)
Shapley M., Lesica P..  1997.  Howellia aquatilis (Water Howellia) ponds of the Swan Valley: conceptual hydrologic models and ecological implications.  
Sharnoff S., Rosentreter R..  1998.  Lichen use by wildlife in North America.  
Sharp DE, Dubovsky JA, Kruse KL.  2004.  Population status and harvests: Mid-Continent and Rocky Mountain populations of sandhill cranes 2004.    Available from
Sharp B..  1986.  Management guidelines for the willow flycatcher.  
Sharp B.E.  1992.  Neotropical migrants on national forests in the Pacific Northwest: a compilation of existing information.  
Sharp B..  1986.  Management guidelines for the Swainson's hawk.  
Sharrock S, Oldfield S, Wilson O.  2014.  Plant Conservation Report 2014: A review of progress in implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020.  CBD Technical Series No. 81.  
Shaw N.L, Monson S.B, Stevens R..  In Press.  Chapter IV-B. Composite shrubs.  
Shaw N, Pellant M.  2008.  Great Basin native plant selection and increase project FY07 progress report.  Great Basin native plant selection and increase project.  
Shaw N.L, Monsen S.B, Stevens R..  In Press.  Restoring range and wildlife habitat in the Intermountain Region.  
Shaw N.L, Haferkamp M.R, Hurd E.G.  0.  Spiny hopsage (Grayia spinosa [Hook.] Moq.) - a literature review.  
Shaw A.J, Goffinet B..  2000.  Molecular evidence of reticulate evolution in the peatmosses (Sphagnum), including S. ehyalinum sp. nov.  Bryologist.  103(2):357-374.
Shea R.E, Drewen R.C.  1999.  Evaluation of efforts to redistribute the Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans: 1986-97.  
Shea R..  1994.  Trumpeter swan nesting area production for 1992 and 1993 in eastern Idaho.  
Shea R..  1994.  Maps (BLM 1:250,000) showing trumpeter swan wintering areas in eastern and southern Idaho.  
Shea R., Geise K., Drewien R., Maj M..  1999.  Trumpeter swan nest site management project: progress report 1999.  
Shea R..  1994.  Notebook with trumpeter swan survey data and maps (BLM 1:250,000) showing trumpeter swan wintering areas in eastern and southern Idaho.  
Shea R..  1996.  Trumpeter swan nesting information based on 21 June 1996 aerial survey in eastern Idaho.  
Shea RE, Nelson HK, Gillette LN, King JG, Weaver DK.  2002.  Restoration of trumpeter swans in North America: a century of progress and challenges.  Waterbirds.  25(Spec Pub 1):296-300.  Available from