Bibliography and Citations

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Daubenmire R.F, Colwell W.E..  1942.  Some edaphic changes due to overgrazing in the Agropyron-Poa prairie of southeastern Washington.  Ecology.  23:32-40.
Daubenmire R.F.  1975.  Plant succession on abandoned fields, and fire influences in a steppe area in southeastern Washington.  Northwest Science.  49:36-48.
Daubenmire R.F.  1960.  An experimental study of variation in the Agropyron spicatum-A. inerme complex.  Botany Gazette.  122:104-108.
Daubenmire R.F.  0.  Flora of the Priest River Experimental Forest, unpublished checklist.  
Daubenmire R.F.  1972.  Annual cycles of soil moisture and temperature as related to grass development in the steppe of eastern Washington.  Ecology.  53:419-424.
Daugherty C.H., Allendorf F.W., Dunlap W.W., Knudsen K.L..  1983.  Systematic implications of geographic patterns of genetic variation in the genus Dicamptodon.  Copeia.  1983:679-691.
Daughtrey M.L, Hibben C.R, Britton K.O, Windham M.T, Redlin S.C.  1996.  Dogwood Anthracnose: Understanding a disease new to North America.  Plant Disease.  April:349-358.
Davic RD, Orr LP.  1987.  The relationship between rock density and salamander density in a mountain stream.  Herpetologica.  43(3):357-361.  Available from
Davidson A..  2010.  GAP anaylsis national land cover data: recent developments.  GAP Analysis Bulletin.  
Davidson C..  1996.  Frog and toad calls of the Rocky Mountains and southwest: vanishing voices, draft booklet.  
Davidson, Jr. R.M, Byther R.S.  1989.  Dogwood anthracnose.  
Davidson B.L.  2000.  Lewisia kelloggii.  Lewisias.  
Davidson E.W, Parris M., Collins J.P, Longcore J.E, Pessier A.P, Brunner J..  2003.  Pathogenicity and transmission of chytridiomycosis in tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum).  Copeia.  2003:601-607.
Davidson, Jr. R.M, Byther R.S.  1979.  Dogwood anthracnose.  
Davidson A, Aycrigg J, Grossman E, Kagan J, Lennartz S, McDonough S., Miewald T, Ohmann J, Sajwaj T, Tobalske C.  2013.  Land cover classification and mapping. Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 31-57.  Available from
Davies K.W, Bates J.D.  2010.  Vegetation Characteristics of Mountain and Wyoming Big Sagebrush Plant Communities in the Northern Great Basin.  Rangeland Ecology & Management.  63(4):461-466.
Davies KW, Gearhart A, Boyd CS, Bates JD.  2017.  Fall and spring grazing influence fire ignitability and initial spread in shrub steppe communities.  International Journal of Wildland Fire.  26(6):485–490.
Davies K.W, Bates J.D, Miller R.F.  2006.  Short-Term Effects of Burning Wyoming Big Sagebrush Steppe in Southeast Oregon.  Rangeland Ecology and Management.  60:515-522.
Davies KW, Bates JD, Svejcar TJ, Boyd CS.  2010.  Effects of long-term livestock grazing on fuel characteristics in rangelands: an example from the sagebrush steppe.  Rangeland Ecology & Management.  63(6):662-669.  Available from
Davis R.  2008.  Townsend's big-eared bat hibernacula: Dworshak Reservoir - abandoned adit.  
Davis D.E.  1954.  The breeding biology of Hammond's flycatcher.  Auk.  71:164-171.
Davis C..  2005.  Ute ladies'-tresses discovered on Fort Hall Indian Reservation.  
Davis C..  1999.  Memo of August 17, 1999, from Cleve Davis to Karen Rice, Idaho Falls BLM Ecologist, regarding population counts from three Spiranthes diluvialis occurrences (001, 003, 009).  
Davis WB.  1935.  An analysis of the bird population in the vicinity of Rupert, Idaho.  Condor.  37(5):233-238.  Available from
Davis G.  2021.  Taxonomic update of Balsamorhiza in NatureServe Biotics.