Bibliography and Citations

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Zarn M..  1974.  Habitat management series for unique or endangered species, Report No. 11.  
Zasada J., Tappeiner J., O'Dea M..  1992.  Clone structure of salmonberry and vine maple in the Oregon Coast Range.
Zaspel J.M, Weller S.J, Cardé R.T.  2008.  A review of Virbia (formerly Holomelina) of America north of Mexico (Arctiidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini).  Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History.  48(3):59-118.  Available from
Zeedyk W.D, Farmer, Jr. R.E, MacBride B., Baker G.S.  1978.  Endangered plant species and wildland management.  Journal of Forestry.  January:31-36.
Zegers DA.  1984.  Spermophilus elegans.  Mammalian Species.  214:1-7.  Available from
Zenger J.T, Baumann R.W.  2004.  The Holarctic winter stonefly genus Isocapnia, with an emphasis on the North American fauna (Plecoptera: Capniidae).  Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist.  2(1):65-95.  Available from
Zeppelini D, Christiansen K.  2003.  Arrhopalites (Collembola: Arrhopalitidae) in U.S. caves with the description of seven new species.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies.  65(1):36-42.  Available from
Zeveloff S.I, Collett F.R.  1988.  Mammals of the Intermountain West.  
Zhang G, Hart ER, Weirauch C.  2016.  A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens.  Biodiversity Data Journal.  4(e8150):356.
Zielinski W.J, Slauson K.M, Carroll C.R, Kent C.J, Kudma D.G.  2001.  Status of American martens in coastal forests of the Pacific states.  Journal of Mammalogy.  82:478-490.
Zielinski W.J, Kucera T.E.  1995.  American marten, fisher, lynx, and wolverine: survey methods for their detection.  
Zielinski WJ, Truex RL, Schmidt GA, Schlexer FV, Schmidt KN, Barrett RH.  2004.  Home range characteristics of fishers in California.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85(4):649-657.  Available from
Zika PF, Kuykendall K, Wilson B.  2000.  Noteworthy collections. Oregon.  Madroño.  47(2):144-145.
Zika P., Kuykendall K..  2001.  Some sedges (Carex) never found in Oregon.  Kalmiopsis (Journal of the Native Plant Society of Oregon).  7:22-28.
Zika P.F, Brainerd R., Newhouse B..  1995.  Grapeferns and moonworts (Botrychium, Ophioglossaceae) in the Columbia Basin.  
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Zika PF.  1982.  New stations for Carex livida var grayana and Dryopteris fragrans in Washington County, Vermont.  Rhodora.  84(837):155-156.
Zika P.F.  1988.  The status of Asplenium viride in Oregon.  American Fern Journal.  78(2):72-73.
Zika P.F.  1992.  Contributions to the alpine flora of the northeastern United States.  Rhodora.  94(877):15-37.
Zika P.F.  1991.  Letter to Bob Moseley date 21 April containing collection information for Carex breweri var. paddoensis.  
Zika P.  2013.  Juncus trilocularis (Juncaceae), a new species in Washington.  Botanical Electronic News.  468:4pp.plusillustrations.  Available from
Zimmer K.J.  1985.  The Western bird watcher: an introduction to birding in the American West.
Zimmerer E.G.  1983.  Effect of salinity on the size-hierarchy effect in POECILIA LATIPINNA, P. RETICULATA and GAMBUSIA AFFINIS.  Copeia.  1983:243-5.
Zimmerman E.G.  1965.  A comparison of habitat and food of two species of MICROTUS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  46:605-612.