Bibliography and Citations

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Bowes BG.  1999.  A color atlas of plant propagation and conservation. Bronx (New York): New York Botanical Garden Press.  
Bowers D., Nadeau S..  2000.  Inventory of fungi, plants, and wildlife in the Dworshak Reservoir Project Area, Idaho.  
Bowers D..  2003.  Spreadsheet containing Harlequin Routes and Harlequin Duck sightings for 2003 from the Panhandle Region.  
Bowers D..  2001.  Excel dataset containing avian, mammalian, amphibian, and reptilian survey information, rare species observations and survey information.  
Bowers D., Nadeau S..  2003.  Inventory of fungi, plants, and wildlife in the Dworshak Reservoir Project Area, Idaho.  
Bowerman T.S, Craig T.L., Dorr J., Varga K., Warrick J..  1995.  Draft Ecological Unit Inventory of the Targhee National Forest, Idaho, Interim report #3, Ashton, Island Park and Dubois Districts.  
Bowerman T.S, Dorr J., Leahy S., Varga K., Warrick J..  1997.  Targhee National Forest ecological unit inventory.    Available from
Bowerman T.S, Dorr J., Leahy S., Varga K., Warrick J..  1996.  Draft Ecological Unit Inventory of the Targhee National Forest, Idaho, Interim report #4.  
Bowen B..  1989.  References on upland sandpipers (Bartramia longicauda).  
Boves TJames.  2007.  The effects of roadway mortality on barn owls in southern Idaho and a study of ornamentation in North American barn owls.  
Boutin S., Birkenholz D.E.  1987.  Muskrat and round-tailed muskrat.  
Bousquet Y.  1991.  Checklist of beetles of Canada and Alaska. Ottowa (ON): Agriculture Canada, Research Branch.    Available from
Bousquet Y, Bouchard P, Davies AE, Sikes DS.  2013.  Checklist of beetles (Coleoptera) of Canada and Alaska. Second Edition.  Zookeys.  360  Available from
Bourgeron P.S, Kratz A.M, Weaver T., Weidman N..  1988.  Bibliography of Montana vegetation description.  Great Basin Naturalist.  48(3):301-323.
Bourgeron P.S, Humphries H.C, Jensen M.E.  1994.  Landscape characterization: a framework for ecological assessment at regional and local scales.  Journal of Sustainable Forestry.  2:267-281.
Bourgeron P.S, Engelking L.D, Humphries H.C, Muldavin E., Moir W.H.  1995.  Assessing the conservation value of the Gray Ranch: rarity, diversity, and representiveness.  Desert Plants.  11(2-3):68pp.
Bourgeron P.S.  1988.  Advantages and limitations of ecological classification for the protection of ecosystems.  Conservation Biology.  2(2):218-220.
Bourgeron P., Humphries H.C.  0.  Forest communities of the western U.S. - A regional perspective.  
Bourgeron P.S.  1989.  Conservation of natural diversity: the role of an ecological classification.  
Bourgeron P.S, Engelking L.D, Humphries H.C, Muldavin E., Moir W.H.  1995.  Assessing the conservation value of the Gray Ranch: Rarity, diversity, and representativeness.  Desert Plants.  11(2-3):1-68.
Bourgeron P.S, Engelking L.D, Tuhy J.S, Brotherson J.D.  1990.  Bibliography of Nevada and Utah vegetation description.  Great Basin Naturalist.  50(3):209-242.
Bourgeron P., Jensen M., Engelking L., Everett R., Humphries H..  1995.  Landscape ecology, conservation biology, and principles of ecosystem management.
Bourassa A.S.  1990.  Letter dated June 28 to the Forest Supervisor, Clearwater National Forest, containing the decision documentation relating to Bourassa's April 6 decision on the Dworshak Access Proposal.  
Bourassa A.S.  1990.  Decision notice not to construct the Dworshak Access Road and finding of no significant impact, Dworshak Access Proposal.  
Boundy J., Rossman D.A.  1995.  Allocation and status of the garter snake names COLUBER INFERNALIS Blainville, EUTAENIA SIRTALIS TETRATAENIA Cope, and EUTAENIA IMPERIALIS Coues and Yarrow.  Copeia.  1995:236-240.