Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Unknown.  2008.  The Palouse Prairie, a treasure on your land, a private landowner guide.  
Unknown.  2008.  Astragalus anserinus (Goose Creek milkvetch) Post-Fire Re-Census Effort.  
Unnasch B.S..  2008.  Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) evaluation of trends 2004-2007.  
Unsworth J.W, Beecham J.J, Irby L.R.  1989.  Female black bear habitat use in west-central idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  53(3):668-673.
Upper Columbia - Salmon Clearwater District, Bureau of Land Management.  Submitted.  No description.  Upper Columbia - Salmon Clearwater District Bureau of Land Management..  
Upper Snake River District, Bureau of Land Management.  Submitted.  No description.  Upper Snake River District, Bureau of Land Management..  
Upper Snake Sage-grouse Local Working Group.  2009.  Plan for increasing sage-grouse populations.    Available from
Urbanczyk SM.  1993.  Classification and ordination of alpine plant communities, Sheep Mountain, Lemhi County, Idaho.  College of Graduate Studies.  :54pp.
Urbanczyk SM, Henderson DM.  1994.  Classification and ordination of alpine plant communities, Sheep Mountain, Lemhi County, Idaho.  Madroño.  41:pp.205-223.
Urbatsch L.E, Roberts R.P, Newbig K.M.  2005.  Cuniculotinus and Lorandersonia, two new genera of Asteraceae: Astereae and new combinations in Chrysothamnus.  
Urbatsch L.E, Roberts R.P.  2004.  New combinations in the genus Gundlachia and four new genera of Astereae (Asteraceae) from northern Mexico and the southern United States.  
Ure J..  1973.  Draft petition to list as endangered the ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis), as provided by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended in 1982.  
Uresk DW, Schenbeck GL, O'Rourke JT.  1997.  Conserving biodiversity on native rangelands: symposium proceedings. Conserving Biodiversity on Native Rangelands.  General Technical Report RM-GTR-298.  Fort Robinson State Park (Nebraska): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.  
Uresk D.W, Sharps J..  1985.  Food habits and natal den selection of swift fox.  
Uresk DW, Paintner WW.  1985.  Cattle diets in a ponderosa pine forest in the northern Black Hills.  Journal of Range Management.  38(5):440-442.  Available from
Urner C.A..  1921.  Short-eared owl nesting at Elizabeth, New Jersey.  Auk.  38:602-603.
Urner C.A..  1923.  Notes on the short-eared owl.  Auk.  40:30-36.
Urner C.A..  1925.  Notes on two ground-nesting birds of prey.  Auk.  42:31-41.
URS.  2012.  Midpoint to Borah (Right-of-Way Grant IDI-14555) Wildlife, Plant, and Noxious Weed - Terrestrial Visual Encounter Survey Report: Appendix C. Rare Plant Observation Report Forms and Appendix D. Rare Animal Observation Report Forms.  Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Boise, Idaho.  
URS.  2005.  Final report, fall 2005 inventory, Lepidium papilliferum (Crypt Basin).  
URS Corporation.  2008.  Slickspot peppergrass survey findings report.  
USDA Agriculture Research Service.  Submitted.  U.S. sheep experiment station species list.  
USDA Forest Service, Boise National Forest.  1993.  Proposed Forest Plan Amendment: designation of seven Special Interest Botanical Areas to protect critical plant habitat of Douglasia idahoensis.  
USDA Forest Service, Idaho Panhandle National Forests.  0.  Trees of North Idaho.  
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, Matthews V.  2013.  Idaho crop estimates for 2012.