Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Trenham P.C, Jagger L.A, Koenig W.D, Mossman M.J, Stark S.L.  2003.  Regional dynamics of wetland-breeding frogs and toads: turnover and synchrony.  
Trent T..  2006.  A letter to Jeff Foss, U. S. Fish and Wildlife, regarding Mirabilis Macfarlanei.  
Trever K.  2012.  Slickspot decision notes on key reason for vacating the rule.  
Tribes S-P, Rabe C, Abele S, Davidson A, Saul D, Owen A, Abele S.  2004.  Biological characterization and status. Edition Prepared for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council.  Bruneau Subbasin Assessment.  [Portland]: Northwest Power and Conservation Council.   p. 62-139.  Available from
Trigoboff N..  1987.  Report on 1987 sensitive plant species on the Priest Lake Ranger District, Idaho Panhandle National Forest, ID.  
Trigoboff N.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Trigoboff, Norm..  
Trillhaase M..  1984.  A rare salamander has zoologists scratching their heads.  Palouse Living.  41095:6.
Triplehorn CA, Thomas DB.  2011.  Studies in the genus Eleodes Eschscholtz with a revision of the subgenus Melaneleodes Blaisdell and Omegeleodes, new subgenus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Eleodini).  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  137(3/4):251-281.  Available from
Tripp B.B, Powers L.R.  1996.  Fall and winter observations of northern goshawks in southwestern Idaho, 1983-1994.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  32(1):65-70.
Tripp B.B, Powers L.R.  1990.  Winter car survey of diurnal raptors of Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding area.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  26(1):82-87.
Troelstrup, Jr. NH.  2010.  Reference site selection for monitoring and assessment of intermittent streams in the Northern Glaciated Plains Ecoregion of South Dakota.  South Dakota REMAP Project.    Available from
Troelstrup, Jr. NH, Stueven G.  2007.  Reference site selection for monitoring and assessment of intermittent streams in South Dakota.  
Trombulak S., Gilstrap F.E, Hutchins M., Rassam G., Grimm N.B, Williams A.S.  2006.  Scientific Societies' statement on the Endangered Species Act.  
Trook J..  2009.  Effects of climate change on distribution of American pika (Ochotona princeps) in the western United States.  :51pp..
Trost C.H, Gerstell A.  1994.  Status and distribution of colonial nesting waterbirds in southern Idaho, 1993.    Available from
Trost C.H.  1985.  Status and distribution of colonial nesting waterbirds in Idaho.  
Trost C..  1990.  Personal communication to Craig Groves identifying sites where Flammulated owls were heard calling.  
Trost C.H, Johnson D..  1977.  Vertebrate species of special concern in Idaho, 1977.  
Trost C.H, Johnson D.R.  1978.  Endangered and threatened vertebrates of Idaho.  
Trost C.  1985.  Personal communication.  
Trost C.H.  1995.  The status and distribution of colonial waterbirds in northern Idaho and selected species in southern Idaho, 1994.  
Trost C.H.  1989.  1:100,000-scale BLM maps showing locations of nesting colonies of eared grebes, western grebes, and Clark's grebes in southern Idaho.  
Trout L..  0.  Key to the winter characteristics of Idaho trees and shrubs.  
Troy D.M.  1985.  A phenetic analysis of the redpolls CARDUELIS FLAMMEA and C. HORNEMANNI EXILIPES.  Auk.  102:82-96.
Trueblood E..  1972.  The higher fungi of the Owyhee Mountains area of northwestern Nevada, southeastern Oregon, and southwestern Idaho.