Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Barrett SW.  2001.  Historical fire regimes in Western redcedar.  Sage Notes.  23(1):9-10.
Barrett S.CH, Arno S.F.  1982.  Indian fires as an ecological influence in the northern Rockies.  Journal of Forestry.  October 1982:647-651.
Barrett SCH, Strother JL.  1978.  Taxonomy and natural history of Bacopa (Scrophulariaceae) in California.  Systematic Botany.  3(4):408-419.
Barrett JShane.  2005.  Population viability of the southern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus endemicus): effects of an altered landscape.  Department of Biological Sciences.  :151.
Barrett J.  2004.  Demographic Biology of the southern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus endemicus).  
Barrett S.CH, Powers L.R.  1994.  Some raptor hematological values.  Gastropodia.  30:107-111.
Barrett S.W.  1988.  Fire suppression's effects on forest succession within a central Idaho wilderness.  Western Journal of Applied Forestry.  3(3):76-80.
Barringer LE, Tomback DF, Wunder MB, McKinney ST.  2012.  Whitebark pine stand condition, tree abundance, and cone production as predictors of visitation by Clark's nutcracker.  PLoS ONE.  7(5):e37663.  Available from
Barringer F.  2012.  Out West Black Fingers of Death Offer Hope Against an Invader.  New York Times.  
Barrows W.B.  1884.  Birds of the Lower Uruguay.  Auk.  -:313-319.
Barss JM, Forbes RB.  1984.  A spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) from north-central Oregon.  Murrelet.  65(3):80.  Available from
Bart J..  1995.  Amount of suitable habitat and viability of northern spotted owls.  Conservation Biology.  9:943-946.
Bart J..  2000.  Status assessment and conservation plan for Columbian sharp-tailed grouse.  
Bart J, Earnst S.  2002.  Double sampling to estimate density and population trends in birds.  Auk.  119(1):36-45.  Available from
Bartel J.A.  1987.  The federal listing of rare and endangered plants: what is involved and what does it mean? November 1986.  
Bartel RA, Knowlton FF, L. Stoddart C.  2008.  Long-term patterns in mammalian abundance in northern portions of the Great Basin.  Journal of Mammalogy.  89(5):1170-1183.
Bartels p, Niwa M..  2005.  Little pocket mouse live-trapping: Jim Sage/Raft River Valley salt desert shrub live-trapping efforts. June-August 2005.  
Bartels MA, Thompson DP.  1993.  Spermophilus lateralis.  Mammalian Species.  440:1-8.  Available from
Bartels P, Niwa M, Wolfe ML.  2007.  Extension of the cliff chipmunk (Neotamias dorsalis) range in Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  43(1):1-8.
Bartels P., Niwa. M..  2004.  Cliff chipmunk (Neotamias dorsalis) survey in South-central and Southeast Idaho.  
Bartels P..  2004.  Spreadsheet - summary of all pygmy rabbit burrows and observations made within the Burley Field Office from 2002-2004.  
Bartels p, Hays D..  2000.  Summary of Pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) survey and trapping efforts on historical sites in Oregon and Idaho: surveying and trapping efforts from May 2, 2000, through May 11, 2000.  
Bartels P..  2004.  Spreadsheet - pygmy rabbit historical locations.  
Bartelt P.E, Peterson C.R.  1994.  Riparian habitat utilization by western toads (Bufo boreas) and spotted frogs (Rana pretiosa) on the Targhee National Forest, Final Report.  
Bartelt PE, Klaver RW, Porter WP.  2010.  Modeling amphibian energetics, habitat suitability, and movements of western toads, Anaxyrus (=Bufo) boreas, across present and future landscapes.  Ecological Modelling.  221(22):2675-2686.  Available from,