Bibliography and Citations

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Anonymous.  1999.  Bats: myth vs. reality.  
Anonymous.  1999.  Trail management plan Camels Back/Hulls Gulch and Military Reserves.  
Anonymous.  0.  Western bat species: regional priority matrix.  
Anonymous.  0.  Slick "spot" peppergrass writes a letter.  
Anonymous.  2004.  The effects of fire on rare plants.  Lingua Botanica.  4(3):4-6.
Anonymous.  2006.  Correspondence over penetrative trampling livestock trigger for EO71.  
Anonymous.  1998.  Forum on Research and Management of Howellia aquatilis.
Anonymous.  0.  Field key for Carex spp.  
Anonymous.  1988.  Cumulative effects analysis process for the Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear ecosystems.  
Anonymous.  1991.  Montpelier Elk-Valley annual operating plan.  
Anonymous.  1990.  Yakima Reservation Rangeland Ecological Sites. Draft.  
Anonymous.  1992.  An ecological approach to management.
Anonymous.  1987.  Total hardness (mg/l as CaCO3), and calcium, magnesium and sodium (mg/l) concentrations for samples collected from the various ponds during 1987.  
Anonymous.  2015.  More than naming of parts.  Nature Plants.  1:1.
Anonymous.  1975.  The genus Dodecatheon Linnaeus in British Columbia.  Davidsonia.  6(1):7-13.
Anonymous.  1951.  The plumed quail (Oreortyx picta picta) in Upland game birds of Idaho.  
Anonymous.  2002.  Draft lynx linkage zones.  
Anonymous.  1991.  Executive summary regarding Badger Creek.  
Anonymous.  0.  Status report for Lomatium orogenioides.  
Anonymous.  1995.  Species: water howellia.  Conservation Biology.  9(4):723.
Anonymous.  0.  Map copy showing the boundaries of the Purcell and Cabinet Proposed Grizzly Bear Recovery Habitats.  
Anonymous.  1961.  Statement of policy relative to the setting aside of privately owned lands as natural areas.  Journal of Forestry.  59(12):Notpaged.
Anonymous.  1996.  Candystick plant conservation strategy mapped by GIS.  ARC News.  18(4):16.
Anonymous.  0.  Birdlife in western junipers.  
Anonymous.  0.  The Pliocene fauna of Hagerman, a study of alternatives.