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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  0.  Memo regarding the proposal to list as endangered the Snake River Physa and the Bliss Rapids snail.   UNDFWS04IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  0.  American peregrine falcon: Falco peregrinus anatum Bonaparte.   UNDFWS05IDUS
Gadwa G.  Submitted.  No description.  Gadwa, Gary.   UNDGAD01IDUS
Gale R.  Submitted.  No description.  Gale, Ruth.   UNDGAL01IDUS
Gill D.C.  0.  Common mosses of Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.   UNDGIL01IDUS
Gill G.R.  0.  Developing public participation and certification in bird inventories to assist in an ecosystem approach of maintaining Idaho's biological diversity of birdlife.   UNDGIL02IDUS
Gilchrist R.  Submitted.  No description.  Gilchrist, Rick.   UNDGIL03IDUS
Goudreau B., Rabe. F..  0.  Key to the aquatic Gastropoda of the Northern Rockies.   UNDGOU01IDUS
Groves C..  0.  Copy of a single page of handwritten notes, summarizing the known locations and collections of Glacicavicola bathyscioides, the blind cave leiodid beetle, including the only mention of Al Allen's collection of the beetle at Crystal Ice Caves.  Groves, C. [no date] Copy of a single page of handwritten notes, summarizing the known locations and collections of Glacicavicola bathyscioides, the blind cave leiodid beetle, including the only mention of Al Allen's collection of the beetle at Crystal Ic.   UNDGRO02IDUS
Hahn L..  0.  Forage kochia (Kochia prostrata): Its forage value and potential ecological implications.   UNDHAH01IDUS
Haines AM, Svancara LK, J. Scott M, Vierling K.  0.  Identifying Idaho counties of high conservation value for Species of Greatest Conservation Need.  Wildlife Conservation for County Plans.   UNDHAI01IDUS
[Anonymous].  0.  A bibliography of mustelids. Part VI: Wolverine.  Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan State University, East Lansing.  No. 9214:49pp.. UNDHAL01IDUS
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  0.  Element stewardship abstract for Falco peregrinus (peregine falcon, duck hawk).   UNDHAL02IDUS
Hanna P.  Submitted.  No description.  Hanna, Paul.   UNDHAN02IDUS
Hartman R.L, Nelson B.E.  0.  Final report on field inventory for Ute lady's tresses - Spiranthes diluvialis - in eastern Wyoming and a detailed discussion of a new locality.  Hartman, R.L., and B.E. Nelson. No Date. Final report on field inventory for Ute lady's tresses - Spiranthes diluvialis - in eastern Wyoming and a detailed discussion of a new locality. Upublished report prepared by the Rocky Mountain Herbarium, Universit.   UNDHAR02IDUS
Hayward G.  Submitted.  No description.  Hayward, Greg.   UNDHAY01IDUS
Hayden J.  Submitted.  No description.  Hayden, Jim.   UNDHAY04IDUS
Hazlett D.L.  1997.  Populations of Spiranthes diluvialis discovered in SE Wyoming and Western Nebraska in 1996 and 1997.   UNDHAZ01IDUS
Hemker T.  Submitted.  No description.  Hemker, Tom.   UNDHEM01IDUS
Henderson D.M.  0.  List of plant collections from Hager Pond, Bonner County.   UNDHEN01IDUS
Henderson D..  Submitted.  Mashing plant chromosomes.   UNDHEN02IDUS
Henderson D.M.  0.  Checklist of the vascular plants of the Mt. Borah Region.   UNDHEN03IDUS
Hershler R..  0.  A systematic review of the hydrobiid snails of the Great Basin, western United States. Part II. Genera Pristinicola, Colligyrus, and Tryonia.  Veliger.   UNDHER01IDUS
Hickman J.  Submitted.  No description.  Hickman, Jerry.   UNDHIC01IDUS
Higgs K.  Submitted.  No description.  Higgs, Ken.   UNDHIG02IDUS