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Aguirre-Bravo C., Franco C.R.  1999.  North American science symposium: toward a unified framework for inventorying and monitoring forest ecosystem resources.   U99AGU01IDUS
Anonymous.  1999.  Trail management plan Camels Back/Hulls Gulch and Military Reserves.   U99ANO01IDUS
Anonymous.  1999.  The (boys) bats of summer.   U99ANO02IDUS
Anonymous.  1999.  Bats: myth vs. reality.   U99ANO03IDUS
Armstrong J..  1999.  Spiranthes diluvialis EORs for Colorado.   U99ARM01IDUS
Atkins D., Byler J., Livingston L., Rogers P., Bennett D..  1999.  Health of Idaho forests.   U99ATK01IDUS
Austin M.F.  1999.  Letter dated July 11, containing table of bird survey results conducted by Marty Collar, USFWS in the Goose Creek area, south of Oakley, ID.   U99AUS01IDUS
Austin M.L.  1999.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Pole Canyon Research Natural Area.   U99AUS02IDUS
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data Mt. Harrison RNA.   U99AUS03IDUS
Austin M.L.  2000.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Trapper Creek RNA.   U99AUS04IDUS
Austin M.L.  1999.  Basic stewardship monitoring data for Pole Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area.   U99AUS05IDUS
Barlow C..  1899.  Another chapter on the nesting of Dendroica occidentalis and other Sierra notes.  Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club.  1(4):59-60. U99BAR01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1999.  Idaho bald eagle nesting report, 1999.   U99BEA01IDUS
Bicknell EP.  1899.  Studies in Sisyrinchium-IV: S. angustifolium and Related Species of the West and Northwest.    Available from U99BIC01IDUS
Bureau of Land Management.  1999.  Riparian area management: a user guide to assessing proper functioning condition and the supporting science of lentic areas, TR 1737-16.   U99BLM01IDUS
Bohn C..  1999.  Day roost selection by silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) and the effects of a selective timber harvest on bat populations in Caribou National Forest.  :89pp. U99BOH01IDUS
Boise State University.  1999.  Sagebrush steppe ecosystems: identifying issues and seeking practical soluntions.   U99BSU01IDUS
Burke TE.  1999.  Management recommendations for terrestrial mollusk species: Prophysaon coeruleum, blue-gray taildropper & Prophysaon dubium, papillose taildropper. V.2.0.    Available from U99BUR01IDUS
Callihan R.H, Miller T.W.  1999.  Idaho's noxious weeds; featuring new distribution maps.   U99CAL01IDUS
Carrel WK, Ockenfels RA, Schweinsburg RE.  1999.  An evaluation of annual migration patterns of the Paunsaugunt mule deer herd between Utah and Arizona.  Research Branch Technical Report.   U99CAR01IDUS
Christian DP.  1999.  Distribution and abundance of bog lemmings (Synaptomys cooperi and S. borealis) and associated small mammals in lowland habitats in northern Minnesota (sensitive mammals of the Chippewa National Forest).  Conservation Biology Research Grants Program, Project Report.   U99CHR01IDUS
Cooper SV, Jean C, Heidel BL.  1999.  Plant associations and related botanical inventory of the Beaverhead Mountains Section, Montana.    Available from U99COO01IDUS
Davis D.  1999.  E-mail message to Wayne Melquist describing new bald eagle nest on Dworshak Reservoir.   U99DAV01IDUS
Davis C..  1999.  Memo of August 17, 1999, from Cleve Davis to Karen Rice, Idaho Falls BLM Ecologist, regarding population counts from three Spiranthes diluvialis occurrences (001, 003, 009).   U99DAV02IDUS
Dechant J.A, Sondreal M.L, Johnson D.H, Igl L.D, Goldade C.M, Rabie P.A, Euliss B.R.  1999.  Effects of management practices on grassland birds: ferruginous hawk. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND.   U99DEC01IDUS