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Prentice C..  1998.  Annual Eriogonums of Southwest Idaho and adjacent areas.   U98PRE01IDUS
Quinney D..  1998.  Idaho Army National Guard Rare Plant Program.   U98QUI01IDUS
Quinney D..  1998.  LEPA (Lepidium papilliferum).   U98QUI02IDUS
Ralston & Associates.  1998.  1997 ESA snail investigations mollusc sampling survey: upper Snake River, Idaho.   U98RAL01IDUS
Reveal J.L.  1998.  History of systematic botany. Norton-Brown Herbarium, University of Maryland.   U98REV01IDUS
Rey-Vizgirdas E..  1998.  Spiranthes diluvialis draft habitat profile.   U98REY01IDUS
Riedel L., Crifasi B..  1998.  Spiranthes diluvialis update: habitat, conservation issues, monitoring, and Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse habitat conservation planning.   U98RIE01IDUS
Roberts H.B.  1998.  Survey of pygmy rabbit distribution, numbers and habitat use in the Lemhi and Challis Resource Areas, Lemhi and Custer counties, Idaho.   U98ROB01IDUS
D. Rogers C.  1998.  Aquatic macroinvertebrate occurrences and population trends in constructed and natural vernal pools in Folsom, California. Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Vernal Pool Ecosystems – Proceedings from a 1996 Conference.  Witham C.W, Bauder E.T, Belk D., Ferren, Jr. W.R, Ornduff R., editors. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento.   p. 224-235. U98ROG01IDUS
Rosentreter R..  1998.  Notes on the Aspicilia reptans complex, with descriptions of two new species. Lichenographia Thomsoniana. U98ROS01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1998.  The Ellen Trueblood Symposium: highlighting Idaho's rare fungi and lichens.   U98ROS02IDUS
BSU, Raptor Research Center.  1973.  Computer printout of ferruginous hawk data in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, 1973-1997.   U98RRC01IDUS
BSU, Raptor Research Center.  1973.  Computer printout of burrowing owl nest data in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, 1973-1997.   U98RRC02IDUS
Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.  1998.  1998 mid-winter survey: Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, Nevada.   U98RRL01IDUS
Rust SK.  1998.  A research natural area primer for forest plan revision.   U98RUS01IDUS
Saab VA, Dudley JG.  1998.  Responses of cavity-nesting birds to stand-replacement fire and salvage logging in ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests of southwestern Idaho.    Available from U98SAA01IDUS
Saab VA.  1998.  Effects of recreational activity and livestock grazing on habitat use by breeding birds in cottonwood forests along the South Fork Snake River.    Available from U98SAA02IDUS
Sands AR, Vogel CA, Reese KP.  1998.  Idaho mountain quail conservation plan 1998. Draft.   U98SAN01IDUS
Schwegman J.E, McClain W.E, Esker T.L, Ebinger J.E.  1998.  Anthracnose-caused mortality of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) at the Dean Hills Nature Preserve, Fayette County, Illinois, USA.  Natural Areas Journal.  18(3):204-207. U98SCH01IDUS
Scott JA, Fisher MS.  1998.  New western North American butterflies.  Papilio (New Series).  11:1-12.  Available from U98SCO01IDUS
Seevers J., Lang F..  1998.  Management recommendations for clustered lady slipper orchid (Cypripedium fasciculatum Kellogg ex S. Watson).   U98SEE01IDUS
Sharnoff S., Rosentreter R..  1998.  Lichen use by wildlife in North America.   U98SHA01IDUS
Shelley S.  1998.  Plant rarity and endangerment - definitions, approaches, and implications for conservation.  Sage Notes.  20(4):1-3. U98SHE01IDUS
Steinauer G., Hildebrand T..  1998.  Survey for the Ute ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) in western Nebraska.   U98STE01IDUS
Swartz L.  1998.  Moonworts: a taxonomic puzzle.  Sage Notes.  20(4):16-17. U98SWA01IDUS