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Fernald M.L.  1919.  Lithological factors limiting the ranges of Pinus banksiana and Thuja occidentalis.  Rhodora.  21(243):41-67. A19FER01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2019.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; removal of Howellia aquatilis (water howellia) from the list of endangered and threatened plants.  Federal Register.  Vol. 84, No. 194:53380-53397.  Available from A19FWS01IDUS
Jetz W, McGeoch MA, Guralnick R, Ferrier S, Beck J, Costello MJ, Fernandez M, Geller GN, Keil P, Merow C et al..  2019.  Essential biodiversity variables for mapping and monitoring species populations.  Nature Ecology & Evolution.  :13. A19JET01IDUS
Leavitt SD, Keuler R, Newberry CC, Rosentreter R, Clair LLSt..  2019.  Shotgun sequencing decades-old lichen specimens to resolve phylogenomic placement of type material.  Plant and Fungal Systematics.  64(2):237–247. A19LEA01IDUS
Peterson P.P.  1919.  The "Slick Spots" of Middle Western Idaho with Suggestions for Their Elimination.   A19PET01IDUS
Pfund L.  2019.  MacFarlane's four-o'clock population restablishment efforts at Lower Otto Creek and Lucile Caves Conservation Areas in Idaho.  Sage Notes.  41(4):6-7.  Available from A19PFU01IDUS
Phillip P.B, Bowdish B.S.  1919.  Further notes on New Brunswick birds.  Auk.  36:36-45. A19PHI01EHUS
Rankin AM, Wilke T, Lucid M, Leonard W, Espíndola A, Smith ML, Carstens BC, Sullivan J.  2019.  Complex interplay of ancient vicariance and recent patterns of geographical speciation in north-western North American temperate rainforests explains the phylogeny of jumping slugs (Hemphillia spp.).  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.  blz040 (Online XX):1-14. A19RAN01IDUS
Rodhouse TJ, Rodriguez RM, Banner KM, Ormsbee PC, Barnett J, Irvine KM.  2019.  Evidence of region‐wide bat population decline from long‐term monitoring and Bayesian occupancy models with empirically informed priors.  Ecology and Evolution.  9(19):11078-11088. A19ROD01IDUS
Waterbury B, Potter A, Svancara LK.  2019.  Monarch butterfly distribution and breeding ecology in Idaho and Washington.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.  7:p.1-15+references. A19WAT01IDUS
Forrester TR, Green DJ, McKibbin R, A. Bezener M, Bishop CA.  2020.  Riparian habitat restoration increases the availability and occupancy of Yellow-breasted Chat territories but brood parasitism is the primary influence on reproductive performance.  Condor.  122(4):dua033.  Available from A20FOR01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2020.  Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for Slickspot Peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum); Revised proposed rule; reopening of comment period.  Federal Register.  85(142):34. A20FWS01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2020.  Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status for Pinus albicaulis (Whitebark Pine); Proposed rule.  Federal Register.  85(232):77408-77424.  Available from A20FWS02IDUS
Han X, Gill MJ, Hamilton H, Vergara SG, Young BE.  2020.  Progress on national biodiversity indicator reporting and prospects for filling indicator gaps in Southeast Asia.  Environmental and Sustainability Indicators.  5(2020):Article100017.  Available from A20HAN01IDUS
Hope AG, Stephens RB, Mueller SD, Tkach VV, Demboski JR.  2020.  Speciation of North American pygmy shrews (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae) supports spatial but not temporal congruence of diversification among boreal species.  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.  129 A20HOP01IDUS
Katzner TE, Carlisle JD, Poessel SA, Thomason EC, Pauli BP, Pilliod DS, Belthoff JR, Heath JA, Parker KJ, Warner KS et al..  2020.  Illegal killing of nongame wildlife and recreational shooting in conservation areas.  Conservation Science and Practice.  :e279. A20KAT01IDUS
Wesley KM, Frances A, Noss R, Naczi RFC, Weakley A, Gann GD, Baldwin BG, Miller J, McIntyre P, Mishler BD et al..  2020.  Vascular plant extinction in the continental United States and Canada.  Conservation Biology.  :1-9.  Available from A20KNA01IDUS
T. Linscott M, Weaver K, Morales V, Parent CE.  2020.  Assessing species number and genetic diversity of the mountainsnails (Oreohelicidae) [plus errata pages].  Conservation Genetics.  21(Dec 2020):971–985.  Available from A20LIN01IDUS
Lucid M, Cushman S, Robinson L, Kortello A, Hausleitner D, Mowat G, Ehlers S, Gillespie S, Svancara LK, Sullivan J et al..  2020.  Carnivore contact: a species fracture zone delineated amongst genetically structured North American marten populations (Martes americana and Martes caurina).  Frontiers in Genetics.  11:art735:1-15.  Available from A20LUC01IDUS
Lukacs PM, Evans Mack D, Inman R, Gude JA, Ivan JS, Lanka RP, Lewis JC, Long RA, Sallabanks R, Walker Z et al..  2020.  Wolverine occupancy, spatial distribution, and monitoring design.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  84(5):841–851.  Available from A20LUK01IDUS
Marsh C.D, Clawson A.B.  1920.  Astragalus tetrapterus, a new poisonous plant of Utah and Nevada.   A20MAR01IDUS
Rodgers TW, Dysthe JC, Tait C, Franklin TW, Schwartz MK, Mock KE.  2020.  Detection of four imperiled western North American freshwater mussel species from environmental DNA with multiplex qPCR assays.  bioRxiv (preprint for Freshwater Science article).  (012088v1):1-21.  Available from A20ROD01IDUS
Winslow M..  1920.  Notes on Oreohelix idahoensis baileyi Bartsch.  Museum of Zoology Occasional Papers.  No. 79:4pp.. A20WIN01IDUS
Wohner PJ, Laymon SA, STANEK JENNAE, King SL, Cooper RJ.  2020.  Challenging our understanding of western Yellow-billed Cuckoo habitat needs and accepted management practices.  Restoration Ecology.  29(3) A20WOH01IDUS