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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1998.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants.   U98FWS02IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1998.  Section 7 guidelines: Howellia aquatilis, water howellia (threatened).   U98FWS03IDUS
Geier-Hayes K.  1987.  Occurrence of conifer seedlings and their microenvironments on disturbed sites in central Idaho.  Research Paper.   U98GEI01IDUS
Glennon J.M, Holte K.E.  1998.  Sensitive plant survey for Idaho sedge (Carex idahoa) in areas northeast of Soda Springs, Idaho.   U98GLE01IDUS
Gomez D..  1998.  Trumpeter swan survey of the Rocky Mountain Population/U.S. Flocks, Fall 1998.   U98GOM01IDUS
Gossett D.N, Gossett S.L.  1998.  Summary of 1998 research activities: Ferruginous hawk nest occupancy, productivity, and success in the Snake River and Malad Resource Areas, BLM, ID.   U98GOS01IDUS
Gray K, Walker S, Hayes M, Moseley B.  1998.  Goldback fern in Idaho: a coastal disjunct.  Sage Notes.  20(4):12-13. U98GRA01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1998.  North American rodents. Status survey and conservation action plan.   U98HAF01IDUS
Hafner D.J.  1998.  Uinta chipmunk.   U98HAF03IDUS
Hall F.C.  1998.  Pacific Northwest ecoclass codes for seral and potential natural communities.   U98HAL01IDUS
Hamilton GB, Peterson CR, Wall WA.  1998.  Distribution and habitat relationships of amphibians on the Potlatch Corporation operating area in northern Idaho.   U98HAM01IDUS
Hartman R.L, Nelson B.E.  1998.  Taxonomic novelties from North America North of Mexico: a 20-year vascular plant diversity baseline. U98HAR01IDUS
Hayden J..  1998.  Summary and tables containing data from the harlequin duck survey conducted in the Idaho panhandle.   U98HAY01IDUS
Haymond S..  1998.  Summer habitat use by three vespertilionid bats in sagebrush-steppe in southeastern Idaho.  :36pp.. U98HAY02IDUS
Heady L.T.  1998.  Home range, habitat, and activity patterns of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in southeast Idaho.  :72pp.. U98HEA01IDUS
Hedberg K..  1998.  Endangered plant survives herbicide.  Lewiston Morning Tribune.  :1Cand4C. U98HED01IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1998.  Fall/winter mountain quail ecology: mountain quail fall and winter habitat use, food habits, movements, and population characteristics in north-central Idaho.   U98HEE01IDUS
Heidel B.L.  1998.  Conservation Status of Spiranthes Diluvialis Sheviak In Montana.   U98HEI01IDUS
Hildebrand T..  1998.  1997 Inventory for Spiranthes diluvialis Sheviak in Western Nebraska a final report volume I.   U98HIL03IDUS
Hoag J.C, Zierke M..  1998.  A reference guide for the collection and use of ten common wetland plants of the Great Basin and Intermountain West.   U98HOA01IDUS
Holland R.F.  1998.  Current knowledge and conservation status of Viola lithion N. Holmgren & P. Holmgren (Violaceae), the rock violet, in Nevada.   U98HOL01IDUS
Holland R.F.  1998.  Current knowledge and conservation status of Arabis falcatoria Rollins (Brassicaceae), the Grouse Creek rockcress, in Nevada.   U98HOL02IDUS
Holland R.F.  1998.  Current knowledge and conservation status of Potentilla cottamii Holmgren (Rosaceae), Cottam cinquefoil, in Nevada.   U98HOL03IDUS
Hurd E.G, Shaw N.L, Mastrogiuseppe J., Smithman L.C, Goodrich S..  1998.  Field guide to intermountain sedges.   U98HUR01IDUS
Idaho State Conservation Effort.  1998.  Canada lynx in Idaho: past, present, and future. (Draft).  Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Forest Service, and Idaho Parks and Recreation. Boise, ID..   U98ICE01IDUS