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Dixon R.D.  1998.  An assessment of white-headed woodpeckers in a regional landscape.   U98DIX01IDUS
Doering R.W, Keller B.L.  1998.  A survey of bat species of the Bruneau-Jarbidge River area of southwestern Idaho with special reference to the occurrence of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum).   U98DOE01IDUS
Doering B.  1998.  Report of 1998 bat survey efforts for spotted bat [cover letter and IDFG banding/collecting/possession/commercial permit report].   U98DOE02IDUS
Douglas G.W, Straley G.B.  1998.  Rare native vascular plants of British Columbia.   U98DOU01IDUS
Draheim GS, Terra-Berns M, Shepherd JF, Kuttner KM, Beals JW, Harris CE, Melquist W.  1998.  Northern goshawk surveys on BLM lands within the St. Joe Mountains of Northern Idaho.   U98DRA01IDUS
Edelmann F., Copeland J..  1998.  Wolverine survey in the Seven Devils Mountains of Idaho.   U98EDE01IDUS
Edelmann F.B, Ulliman M.J, Wisdom M.J, Reese K.P, Connelly J.W.  1998.  Assessing habitat quality using population fitness parameters: a remote sensing/GIS based habitat-explicit population model for sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus).   U98EDE02IDUS
[Anonymous].  1998.  Draft: ecoregion-based conservation in the East Gulf Coastal Plain.   U98EGC01IDUS
Elzinga C.L, Salzer D.W, Willoughby J.W.  1998.  Difficult situations: 1. Annuals with a long-lived seed bank.  Bureau of Land Management Technical Reference 1730-1.   U98ELZ01IDUS
Engle J.C, Munger J.C.  1998.  Population structure of spotted frogs in the Owyhee Mountains.   U98ENG01IDUS
Engle J.C, Munger J.C.  1998.  Population fragmentation of spotted frogs in the Owyhee Mountains, Interim report.   U98ENG02IDUS
Environmental Science, Foundation R.  1998.  Cheatgrass: an inevitable destiny or a burning question? Foundation Focus.  5(4):1-4. U98ESF01IDUS
Fahler NA.  1998.  Owls of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.  Department of Natural Resource Management, Graduate Program in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.  :97.  Available from U98FAH01IDUS
Farris CA, Neuenschwander LF, Boudreau SL.  1998.  Monitoring initial plant succession following fire in a subalpine spruce-fir forest. Fire in ecosystem management: shifting paradigm from suppression to prescription. Proceedings, 20th Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference.  No. 20.  Pruden TL, Brennan LA, editors. Tall Timbers Research, Inc..   p. pages 298-305.  Available from U98FAR01IDUS
Feltis S..  1998.  Memo from Scott Feltis, Caribou National Forest wildlife biologist, to John Newcom regarding a January 6, 1998 visit to Minnetonka Cave and observations of Corynorhinus townsendii, Myotis evotis, and Myotis ciliolabrum.   U98FEL01IDUS
Fertig W., Markow S..  1998.  Guide to the willows of Shoshone National Forest.   U98FER01IDUS
Fiedler C.E, Arno S.F, Harrington M.G.  1998.  Reintroducing fire in ponderosa pine-fir forests after a century of fire exclusion. Fire in ecosystem management: shifting the paradigm from suppression to prescription. No. 20.   U98FIE01IDUS
Findley J..  1998.  Grazing mortality study: Astragalus mulfordiae.   U98FIN01IDUS
Flack S.R, Benton N.B.  1998.  Invasive species and wetland biodiversity.   U98FLA01IDUS
Flather C.H, Knowles M.S, Kendall I.A.  1998.  Threatened and endangered species geography; characteristics of hot spots in the conterminous United States.  Bioscience.  48(5):365-376. U98FLA02IDUS
Franklin B..  1998.  Utah habitat information for Spiranthes diluvialis.   U98FRA01IDUS
Frest T.J.  1998.  Land snails of the lower Salmon River drainage, Idaho.  Western Society of Malacologists.  30:22. U98FRE01IDUS
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  1998.  The hydrobiid subfamily Amnicolinae in the northwestern United States.   U98FRE02IDUS
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  1998.  The hydrobiid subfamily Amnicolinae in the northwestern United States.  Western Society of Malacologists, Annual Reports.  31:9 U98FRE03IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1998.  Section 7 guidelines: Spiranthes diluvialis, Ute Ladies'-tresses (threatened).   U98FWS01IDUS