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Knapp B.E.  1997.  Small mammal, reptile, amphibian, and bat species associations with habitat type classes and successional stages in west central Idaho.  :128pp.. U97KNA01IDUS
Koch E.D, Wood G., Peterson C.R, P. Corn S.  1997.  A summary of the conference on declining and sensitive amphibians in the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest.   U97KOC01IDUS
Kraayenbrink J..  1997.  Important bird areas in Idaho site nomination form for the Snake River Area of Critical Concern.   U97KRA02IDUS
Lehman R., Specht B..  1997.  Spiranthes diluvialis survey work on the Targhee NF in 1997.   U97LEH01IDUS
Lewis L..  1997.  Notes compiled by Lyle Lewis, BLM, pertaining to lynx kills and persons who might know about lynx kills.   U97LEW01IDUS
Lewis L.  1997.  Copies of 1997 bat survey field forms [for surveys on Bureau of Land Management lands in Idaho].   U97LEW02IDUS
Lewis L..  1997.  Copies of Lyle Lewis' spotted bat activity data forms covering the 1997 field season.   U97LEW03IDUS
Lichthardt J..  1997.  Status and update of the conservation plan for Cornus nuttallii (Pacific dogwood) in Idaho.   U97LIC01IDUS
Lichthardt J..  1997.  Revised report on the conservation status of Silene spaldingii in Idaho.   U97LIC02IDUS
Lichthardt J, Moseley RK.  1997.  Status and conservation of the Palouse grassland in Idaho.   U97LIC03IDUS
Lichthardt J..  1997.  Research Natural Areas on the Clearwater National Forest: a survey of aquatic and riparian plant communities.   U97LIC07IDUS
Lind G.D.  1997.  Lewisia kelloggii (Kellogg's bitterroot).   U97LIN01IDUS
Llewellyn R.L.  1997.  Distribution, relative abundance, and habitat associations of amphibians and reptiles on Craig Mountain, Idaho.   U97LLE01IDUS
Luce B., Oakleaf B., Cerovski A., Hunter L., Priday J..  1997.  Atlas of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians in Wyoming. U97LUC01IDUS
Mancuso M..  1997.  Palouse goldenweed (Haplopappus liatriformis) monitoring at Craig Mountain - 1996 results.   U97MAN01IDUS
Macuso M, Moseley R.  1997.  Vegetation of the Hixon Columbian sharp-tailed grouse habitat management plan area, Washington County, Idaho.  Idaho Bureau of Land Management Technical Bulletin.   U97MAN02IDUS
Mancuso M., Moseley R.K.  1997.  Results of 1996 field investigations for Saxifraga bryophora var. tobiasiae (Tobias' saxifrage) and Douglasia idahoensis (Idaho douglasia) on the Payette National Forest.   U97MAN03IDUS
Mancuso M..  1997.  1997 Ute ladies' tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis): Inventory on the Salmon and Challis National Forests.   U97MAN04IDUS
Mancuso M..  1997.  The status of Malheur Prince's Plume (Stanleya confertiflora) in Idaho.   U97MAN05IDUS
Mancuso M..  1997.  Rare sedges of Idaho.   U97MAN06IDUS
Mathis M..  1980.  Computer printout of sightings and nests for several bird and mammal species in the Owyhee RA, Lower Snake River District BLM, from the mid-1980's to 1997.   U97MAT01IDUS
McCune B.  1997.  Lichens and bryophytes in forests: so what? U97MCC01IDUS
Montana Natural Heritage Program.  1997.  Plant species of special concern.   U97MNH02IDUS
Moseley R.K.  1997.  Ute ladies' tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis): preliminary status in Idaho.   U97MOS02IDUS
Moseley R.K, Mancuso M..  1997.  1997 Ute ladies' tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) inventory: Idaho Transportation Department, District 6 bridge projects.   U97MOS04IDUS