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Varricchione J.T, Minshall G.W.  1996.  Monitoring report: Bruneau hot-spring springsnail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis).   U96VAR01IDUS
Vogel C.A, Reese K.P.  1996.  Conservation Strategy for mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus) in Idaho.   U96VOG01IDUS
Wackenhut M., McGraw M..  1996.  Idaho's bats: description, habitats and conservation.   U96WAC01IDUS
Wackenhut M..  1996.  Letter to Paula Perletti, Bureau of Land Management, reporting her 1991 observations of Townsend's big-eared bat in Giant Arch Cave and Pot-of-Gold Cave.   U96WAC02IDUS
Wackenhut M.  1996.  Letter to Jeff Gardetto, BLM, notifying him of the discovery of a lava tube cave identified as a maternity roost for Townsend's big-eared bat.   U96WAC03IDUS
Werner J.K, Reichel J.D.  1996.  Amphibian and reptile monitoring/survey of the Kootenai National Forest: 1995. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT.   U96WER01IDUS
Wheeling E..  1996.  1995 Spiranthes diluvialis survey report.   U96WHE01IDUS
Wheeling E..  1996.  Spiranthes diluvialis survey report.   U96WHE02IDUS
Whitfield M.B.  1996.  Annual bald eagle productivity final report 1996: Idaho portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.   U96WHI01IDUS
Whitfield MB, Maj ME.  1996.  Inventory and monitoring of bald eagles and other raptorial birds of the Snake River, Idaho: 1995 progress report.   U96WHI02IDUS
Adams S..  1997.  Samual Adams Scotch Ale (bottle label).   U97ADA01IDUS
Allen D.B, Fite K., Nelson J., Flatter B.J.  1997.  (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) population and stream habitat surveys in western Owyhee County, Idaho.   U97ALL01IDUS
Anderson R.C, Davis R.B.  1997.  The vegetation and its environments in Maine peatlands.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  75:1785-1805. U97AND01IDUS
Anderson M.  1997.  Idaho's vanishing wild lands: a status report on roadless areas in Idaho's national forests.   U97AND02IDUS
Atwood D..  1997.  Final report for Spiranthes diluvialis surveys on the Caribou National Forest, Malad Ranger District.   U97ATW01IDUS
Baker, Charles W., Munger JC, Cornwall KC, Staufer S.  1997.  Bruneau Dunes tiger beetle study: 1994 and 1995.    Available from U97BAK01IDUS
Barnes JL, Wolf P.G., Tepedino V.J..  1997.  Genetic diversity, gene flow and clonal structure of the Salmon River populations of Macfarlane's four o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei).  Idaho Bureau of Land Management Technical Bulletin.   U97BAR01IDUS
Barrett S.W, Arno S.F, Menakis J.P.  1940.  Fire episodes in the Inland Northwest (1540-1940) based on fire history data.   U97BAR02IDUS
Bartelt P.E, Peterson C.R.  1997.  Idaho species account: western toad.   U97BAR03IDUS
Barbour J.G., Kiviat E..  1997.  Introduced purple loosestrife as host of native Saturniidae (Lepidoptera).  Great Lakes Entomologist.  30(3):115-122. U97BAR04IDUS
[Anonymous].  1997.  Idaho bald eagle nesting report, 1997.   U97BEA01IDUS
Beals J, Melquist W, Levine E.  1997.  Idaho peregrine falcon survey, nest monitoring and release program—1997. Annual Report, Threatened and Endangered Species Project.   U97BEA02IDUS
Belthoff J.R, R. King A.  1997.  Between-year movements and nest burrow use by burrowing owls in southwestern Idaho, 1996 annual report.   U97BEL01IDUS
Belthoff J.R.  1997.  Breeding bird surveys at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.   U97BEL02IDUS
Bjork C..  1997.  Spiranthes diluvialis in Washington State (Okanogan County).   U97BJO01IDUS