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U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1996.  Conservation agreement: Lepidium davisii (Davis' peppergrass).   U96FWS05IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1996.  Memo to Tim Lowry, Owyhee County Courthouse, and accompanied by hand-written field notes taken during a 2-day field survey by USFWS personnel for spotted frogs.   U96FWS07IDUS
George S..  1996.  Saving biodiversity: a status report on state laws, policies and programs.   U96GEO01IDUS
Gerber M.F, Munger J.C, Ames A..  1996.  Sawtooth National Forest high lakes amphibian survey.   U96GER01IDUS
Gisler S..  1996.  Status report for Chaenactis cusickii A. Gray.   U96GIS01IDUS
Gomez D..  1996.  Trumpeter swan survey of the Rocky Mountain Population/U.S. Flocks, Fall 1996.   U96GOM01IDUS
Harrison R.D, Chatterton N.J, Page R.J, Curto M., Asay K.H, Jensen K.B, Horton W.H..  1996.  Competition, biodiversity, invasion, and wildlife use of selected introduced grasses in the Columbia and Great Basins.   U96HAR01IDUS
Hazlett D.L.  1996.  The discovery of Spiranthes diluvialis along the Niobrara River in Wyoming and Nebraska final report.   U96HAZ01IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1996.  Fall/winter mountain quail ecology: mountain quail fall and winter habitat use, food habits, movements, and population characteristics in north-central Idaho.   U96HEE01IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1996.  Fall/winter mountain quail ecology: mountain quail fall and winter habitat use, food habits, movements, and population characteristics in north-central Idaho.   U96HEE02IDUS
Heglund PDPatricia J.  1996.  1995 programmatic report: landbird monitoring on public and private lands in North Idaho.   U96HEG02IDUS
Hinz D., Gifford D., Rascoe T..  1996.  Feasibility study on mountain quail trapping.   U96HIN01IDUS
Holland R.F.  1996.  Current knowledge and conservation status of Phacelia inconspicua E. Green (Hydrophyllaceae), the obscure scorpion plant, in Nevada.   U96HOL01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1996.  Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States - a guide for identifying and delineating hydric soils.   U96HUR01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1996.  Noxious weed list 1996 and noxious weed rules.   U96IAG01IDUS
International Association of Lichenologists.  1996.  Lichen specialist group toward a conservation action plan for lichens.   U96IAL01IDUS
Idaho State Conservation Effort.  1996.  Habitat conservation assessment and conservation strategy for the Idaho dunes tiger beetle.    Available from U96ICE01IDUS
[Anonymous].  2000.  Fisheries Management Plan 1996-2000.   U96IFG01IDUS
Idaho Power Company.  1996.  Hells Canyon: bird check list.   U96IPC01IDUS
Idaho Partners in Flight.  1996.  Idaho Partners in Flight: best management practices for riparian areas to benefit neotropical migratory birds in Idaho.   U96IPF01IDUS
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1996.  Conservation strategy for Henrys Fork basin wetlands.    Available from U96JAN01IDUS
Jeffries S., Howard R..  1996.  Conservation agreement: Spermophilus brunneus brunneus, northern Idaho ground squirrel.   U96JEF01IDUS
Jensen-Belts Associates, Architects ZGiltzow Al, Hill CH2M, EDAW.  1996.  Reserves master plan: Hulls Gulch/Camel's Back Reserve, Military Reserve.   U96JEN01IDUS
Kaltenecker G.S.  1996.  Continued monitoring of Boise's wintering bald eagles, winter 1995/1996, final report.   U96KAL01IDUS
Keller B.  1996.  Scientific collecting permit data [for bat studies in northern Idaho].   U96KEL01IDUS