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Annis D., Kuykendall C..  1996.  Survey of Cardamine constancei locations within Proposed Washington Creek Campground Improvements/Reconstruction.   U96ANN01IDUS
Associated Press.  1996.  Teams search for rare Idaho bat.  Idaho Press Tribune.  Monday August 5:4A. U96APR01IDUS
Atwood D..  1996.  Inventory for Least phacelia (Phacelia minutissima): a Bureau of Land Management Special Status Plant.   U96ATW01IDUS
Baldwin C.T, Brunsfeld S.J.  1996.  Biogeography of Idaho's coastal disjuct Clearwater ecosystem: reading the history of vegetation movement captured in the genetic code of Cardamine constancei.   U96BAL01IDUS
Barnes J.L.  1996.  Reproductive ecology, population genetics, and clonal distribution of the narrow endemic: Mirabilis macfarlanei (Nyctaginaceae).   U96BAR01IDUS
Breeding Bird Survey.  1996.  Breeding Bird Survey route data sheets for Idaho.   U96BBS01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1996.  Idaho bald eagle nesting report, 1996.   U96BEA01IDUS
Beals JW, Harris CE.  1996.  Northern Goshawk Surveys in the Twin Falls Ranger District of the Sawtooth National Forest.   U96BEA02IDUS
Belsky A.J.  1996.  Viewpoint: western juniper expansion: is it a threat to arid northwestern ecosystems? U96BEL01IDUS
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  1996.  Letter dated June 6 to Edna Ray, Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding Mirabilis macfarlanei status, management guidelines and changes in monitoring. U. S. Bureau of Land Management, Cottonwood, ID.   U96BLM03IDUS
Boudreau S..  1996.  Reply to letter from Steve Rust clarifying the grazing status of Lava Butte pRNA and Pony Creek RNA.   U96BOU01IDUS
Bowerman T.S, Dorr J., Leahy S., Varga K., Warrick J..  1996.  Draft Ecological Unit Inventory of the Targhee National Forest, Idaho, Interim report #4.   U96BOW01IDUS
Bull EL, Carter BE.  1996.  Tailed frogs: distribution, ecology, and association with timber harvest in northeastern Oregon.    Available from, U96BUL01IDUS
Bunting S.C.  1996.  The use and role of fire in natural areas. U96BUN01IDUS
Burkhardt J.W.  1996.  Herbivory in the Intermountain West.   U96BUR01IDUS
Burgan R.E, Hartford R.A, Eidenshrink J.C.  1996.  Using NDVI to assess departure from acreage greeness and its relation to fire business.   U96BUR02IDUS
Brigham Young University.  1996.  Printout detailing the Idaho bird specimens in the BYU Monte Bean collection.   U96BYU01IDUS
Casady G..  1996.  Evaluation of a call/response survey techique for mountain quail in western Oregon.   U96CAS01IDUS
E. Cassirer F, Reichel JD, Wallen RL, Atkinson EC.  1996.  Harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus): United States Forest Service/Bureau of Land Management habitat conservation assessment and conservation strategy for the U. S. Rocky Mountains.   U96CAS02IDUS
Cazier L.D, Myers R.  1996.  Middle Snake River aquatic macroinvertebrate and ESA snail survey (with supplemental analyses).   U96CAZ01IDUS
California Department of Fish and Game.  1996.  Mountain quail trapping and tagging study: selection of study sites and progress report.   U96CFG01IDUS
Christy J.A, Wagner D.H.  1996.  Guide for the identification of rare, threatened or sensitive bryophytes in the range of the northern spotted owl, western Washington, western Oregon, and northwestern California.   U96CHR01IDUS
Colorado Natural Heritage Progra.  1996.  Rare and imperiled animals, plants, and natural communities.   U96CNH01IDUS
Cobb V.A.  1996.  Idaho native species account: western rattlesnake.   U96COB01IDUS
Coggins V..  1961.  Mountain quail population trends in Wallowa County, OR. 1961-1995. Personal communication to Trish Heekin, University of Idaho, Moscow.   U96COG01IDUS