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Konopacky Environmental.  1995.  Presence-absence survey for five ESA-listed species of molluscs in Lower Blue Lake after a drawdown occurrence caused by the operation of an up-gradient groundwater-supplied pump facility for the City of Twin Falls, Idaho.   U95KON02IDUS
Konopacky Environmental.  1995.  Presence-absence survey for ESA-listed mollusc species at the site of a proposed bridge project on the Snake River, near King Hill, Idaho.   U95KON03IDUS
Krichbaum R..  1995.  Rare plant inventory - Brownlee-Oxbow transmission line project.   U95KRI01IDUS
Kumm J..  1995.  Table showing the results of a sharp-tailed grouse lek survey conducted by the Bureau of Land Management and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game on the Deep Creek Resource Area during the spring of 1994.   U95KUM01IDUS
LaBonte JR.  1995.  Possible threatened or endangered terrestrial predaceous Coleoptera of the Columbia River Basin.    Available from U95LAB01IDUS
Laundré JW, Gabler KI.  1995.  Assessing the potential impact of a candidate threatened and endangered rabbit species on INEL operations.   U95LAU01IDUS
Leiberg J.B.  1895.  Department of Agriculture of the United States, itinerary of John B. Leiberg, northern Idaho, June- October, 1895.   U95LEI01IDUS
Lengas BJ.  1995.  A summer bat survey of the caves and abandoned mines on the Montpelier Ranger District of the Caribou National Forest.   U95LEN01IDUS
Lengas BJ.  1995.  A survey of the American Phosphate Corporation mine. Fifteen-plus reports dated December 1993 to August 1995.   U95LEN02IDUS
[Anonymous].  1995.  Idaho bald eagle nesting report - 1994.   U95LEV01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1995.  Idaho peregrine falcon survey, nest monitoring, and release program, 1995. Annual Report.   U95LEV02IDUS
Lewinsky-Haapasaari J., Tan B.C.  1995.  Orthotrichum hallii Sull. and Lesq. new to Asia.  Harvard Papers in Botany.  7:1-6. U95LEW01IDUS
Lewis L..  1995.  Copies of Lyle Lewis' bat survey field forms covering the 1995 field season.   U95LEW02IDUS
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Monitoring of sensitive plants in the Steep Creek timber sale, 1994 report.   U95LIC02IDUS
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Conservation strategy for Allotropa virgata (candystick), U.S. Forest Service, northern and intermountain regions.   U95LIC06IDUS
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Musselshell EIS - plant survey.   U95LIC07IDUS
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Summary of lichen and moss EORs from collections at the University of Idaho and Washington State University herbaria.   U95LIC08IDUS
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Field survey for federal candidate plant species on the Cascade Resource Area.   U95LIC09IDUS
Lindstrom R..  1995.  Thermophlic microorganism survey of Yellowstone National Park.   U95LIN01IDUS
Llewellyn R.L, Peterson C.R.  1995.  Distribution, relative abundance, and habitat associations of amphibians and reptiles on the Craig Mountain Wildlife Mitigation Area. Final report.   U95LLE01IDUS
Logan DRebecca.  1995.  Idaho dune tiger beetle survey 1995: Cicindela arenicola Rumpp.   U95LOG01IDUS
Mahoney R..  1995.  1995 Idaho champion big tree list.   U95MAH01IDUS
Mancuso M..  1995.  Draft conservation strategy for Allium aaseae Ownbey (Aase's onion).   U95MAN01IDUS
Mancuso M..  1995.  Habitat conservation assessment for Allium aaseae Ownbey (Aase's onion).   U95MAN02IDUS
Mancuso M.  1995.  A vegetation map of the Rocking M Ranch, Upper Dennett Creek/Raft Creek Wildlife Conservation Easement Area, Washington County, Idaho.    Available from U95MAN05IDUS