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Luken JO.  1994.  Valuing plants in natural areas.  Natural Areas Journal.  14(4):295-299. U94LUK01IDUS
Mack C., Kroneman L., Eneas C..  1994.  Lower Clearwater aquatic mammal survey.   U94MAC01IDUS
Makela PD.  1994.  Burley District tiger beetle inventory.    Available from U94MAK01IDUS
Makela P..  1994.  Inventory data from a 1994 Burley District, BLM, survey for Idaho dunes tiger beetle in Power and Blaine counties.   U94MAK02IDUS
Mancuso M., Moseley R..  1994.  Vegetation description, rare plant inventory, and vegetation monitoring for Craig Mountain, Idaho.   U94MAN01IDUS
Mangel M., Tier C..  1994.  Four factors every conservation biologist should know about persistence.  Ecology.  75(3):607-614. U94MAN02IDUS
Markow S..  1994.  A floristic survey of the Targhee National Forest and vicinity, east-central Idaho and west-central Wyoming.  :164pp.. U94MAR01IDUS
Mattise SN, Fritz C.  1994.  Bitterbrush rehabilitation: Squaw Butte fire complex.  Idaho Bureau of Land Management Technical Bulletin.   U94MAT01IDUS
McCune B..  1994.  Lichen database listing for Columbia Basin.   U94MCC01IDUS
McChesny R..  1994.  Handwritten list of specimen label information taken from Idaho point-headed grasshopper specimens in the holdings of the Boise APHIS office.   U94MCC03IDUS
McIver J., LaBonte J.R, Crawford R..  1994.  Terrestrial invertebrate predators of the Columbia River Basin: an assessment.   U94MCI01IDUS
Merigliano MF.  1994.  Natural history of the South Fork Snake River eastern Idaho emphasizing geomorphology hydrology and vegetation.    Available from U94MER01IDUS
Merickel F.W.  1994.  Letter and list of museum specimens of Acrolophitus pulchellus from the University of Idaho.   U94MER02IDUS
Messinger W..  1994.  Molecular Systematic Studies in the Genus Ribes (Grossulariaceae).  :104pp.. U94MES01IDUS
Meyer S..  1994.  LEPAPOP Data analysis - progress report 4/24/94.   U94MEY01IDUS
Meyer S.E, Quinney D.L, Weaver J..  1994.  Population biology of Lepidium papilliferum, a Snake River Plains endemic, abstract. U94MEY02IDUS
Miller J.C.  1994.  Assessment of the Columbia River Basin: understory herbivores (Lepidoptera).   U94MIL03IDUS
Morris R.C.  1974.  Radioecology and ecology publications of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory: 1974-1994.   U94MOR01IDUS
Moseley R.K, Bursik R.J, Rabe F.W, Cazier L.D.  1994.  Peatlands of the Sawtooth Valley, Custer and Blaine Counties, Idaho.   U94MOS02IDUS
Moseley R.K.  1994.  Report on the conservation status of Lepidium papilliferum.   U94MOS03IDUS
Moseley R.K, Mancuso M..  1994.  Report on the conservation status of Astragalus vexilliflexus var. nubilus.   U94MOS04IDUS
Moseley R.K.  1994.  The status and distribution of bent-flowered milkvetch (Astragalus vexilliflexus var. vexilliflexus) in Idaho.   U94MOS05IDUS
Moseley R.K.  1994.  The status and distribution of Cusick's false yarrow (Chaenactis cusickii) in Idaho.   U94MOS06IDUS
Moseley R.K, Mancuso M..  1994.  Monitoring plan for Snake River goldenweed (Haplopappus radiatus) on the Payette National Forest.   U94MOS07IDUS
Munger J.C, Heberger L., Logan D., Peterson W., Mealy L., Cauglin M..  1994.  A survey of the herpetofauna of Bruneau Resource Area, Boise District, with focus on the spotted frog, Rana pretiosa.   U94MUN01IDUS