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Boise City Heritage Preservation Committee.  1993.  Potential public preservation sites.   U93BCH01IDUS
British Columbia Ministry of Environment.  1993.  Spotted bat.   U93BCW01IDUS
Beaston B.R.  1993.  Pediocacti in the Pacific Northwest.  Cactus and Succulent Journal.  65(3):115-117. U93BEA01IDUS
Bennett D.H, DuPont J.M.  1993.  Fish habitat associations of the Pend Oreille River, Idaho. Idaho Department of Fish and Game.   U93BEN01IDUS
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K.  1993.  Long-term population monitoring of Davis' peppergrass (Lepidium davisii) on the Mountain Home Air Force Base: establishment of monitoring plots and second-year results 1993 Annual Report.   U93BER01IDUS
Berenbrock C.  1993.  Effects of well discharges on hydraulic heads in and spring discharges from the Geothermal Aquifer System in the Bruneau area, Owyhee County, southwestern Idaho.    Available from U93BER02IDUS
Blair G.S, Servheen G..  1993.  Species conservation plan for the white-headed woodpecker (Picoides albolarvatus).   U93BLA01IDUS
Blackburn C..  1993.  Responses to disturbance by Haplopappus insecticruris an Idaho endemic.   U93BLA02IDUS
USDI Bureau of Land Management, Vale District Office.  1993.  Analysis of management alternatives: Leslie Gulch area of critical environmental concern (ACEC). Vale, OR.   U93BLM02IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1993.  Conservation agreement for Douglasia idahoensis.   U93BNF01IDUS
USDA Forest Service, Boise National Forest.  1993.  Proposed Forest Plan Amendment: designation of seven Special Interest Botanical Areas to protect critical plant habitat of Douglasia idahoensis.   U93BNF03IDUS
Bock CE, Saab VA, Rich TD, Dobkin DS.  1993.  Effects of livestock grazing on neotropical migratory landbirds in western North America. Status and management of neotropical migratory birds.  Finch DM, Stangel PW, editors. 1992 Sept 21-25; Estes Park (CO): U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 296-309.  Available from U93BOC01IDUS
USDI Bureau of Land Management, Boise District Office.  1993.  Addendum to the proposed Cascade Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment to consider areas of critical environmental concern designation and federal land transfer.   U93BOD01IDUS
Bolsinger C.L, Waddell K.L.  1993.  Area of old-growth forests in California, Oregon, and Washington.   U93BOL01IDUS
Bradford C., Cassirer F..  1994.  Raptor survey of the lower Salmon and Snake Rivers, April 1993.   U93BRA01IDUS
Bradley P..  1993.  Field trip report: assessment of wildlife potential in mine shafts - Elko County.   U93BRA02IDUS
Bradley P..  1993.  Field trip report: assessment of wildlife potential in mine shafts - Elko County.   U93BRA03IDUS
Bradley P..  1993.  Field trip report: mine shaft wildlife occupancy surveys - Humboldt County.   U93BRA04IDUS
Bradley P..  1993.  Field trip report: big-eared bat surveys in natural limestone caves - White Pine County, Nevada.   U93BRA05IDUS
Brown D.E, Sands A., Clubine S., Braun C.E.  1993.  Strategic plan for quail management and research in the United States: issues and strategies–grazing and range management. U93BRO01IDUS
Bull E.L, Hohmann J.E.  1993.  Breeding biology of northern goshawks in northeastern Oregon. No. G4.   U93BUL01IDUS
Bursik RJ.  1993.  Fen vegetation and rare plant population monitoring in Cow Creek Meadows and Smith Creek Research Natural Area, Selkirk Mountains, Idaho.   U93BUR01IDUS
Bursik R.J.  1993.  Rare plants of upland habitats on the Sandpoint Ranger District, Idaho Panhandle National Forests.   U93BUR02IDUS
Burgan R.E, Hartford R.A.  1993.  Monitoring vegetation greenness with satellite data.   U93BUR03IDUS
Capel S., Crawford J.A, Robel R.J, Burger, Jr. L.W, Sotherton N.W.  1993.  Strategic plan for quail management and research in the United States: issues and strategies–agricultural practices and pesticides. Quail III.   U93CAP01IDUS