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Cane JH, Johnson C, Napoles JRomero, Johnson DA, Hammon R.  2013.  Seed-feeding beetles (Bruchinae, Curculionidae, Brentidae) from legumes (Dalea ornata, astragalus filipes) and other forbs needed for restoring rangelands of the Intermountain West.  Western North American Naturalist.  73(4):477-484.  Available from A13CAN01IDUS
R. Chesser T, Banks RC, F. Barker K, Cicero C, Dunn JL, Kratter AW, Lovette IJ, Rasmussen PC, Remsen, Jr. J.V, Rising JD et al..  2013.  Fifty-fourth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds.  Auk.  130(3):1-14.  Available from A13CHE01IDUS
Crawford C.J.  2013.  Evidence for spring mountain snowpack retreat from a Landsat-derived snow cover climate data record.  Cryosphere Discussion.  7(3):2089–2117.  Available from A13CRA01IDUS
Cushman SA, Lewis JS, Landguth EL.  2013.  Evaluating the intersection of a regional wildlife connectivity network with highways.  Movement Ecology.  1(1):e12.  Available from A13CUS01IDUS
Fisher J.T, Bradbury S., Anholt B., Nolan L., Roy L., Volpe J.P, Wheatley M..  2013.  Wolverines (Gulo gulo luscus) on the Rocky Mountain slopes: natural heterogeneity and landscape alteration as predictors of distribution.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  91(10):706–716. A13FIS01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2013.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; revised designation of critical habitat for the contiguous U.S. distinct population segment of the Canada lynx and revised distinct population segment boundary.  Federal Register.  78(187):59430-59474.  Available from!documentDetail;D=FWS-R6-ES-2013-0101-0001 A13FWS01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2013.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of native species that are candidates for listing as endangered or threatened; annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; annual description of progress on listing actions.  Federal Register.  78(226):70104-70162.  Available from A13FWS02IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2013.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; threatened status for the distinct population segment of the North American wolverine occurring in the contiguous United States.  Federal Register.  78(23):7864-7890.  Available from A13FWS03IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2013.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; proposed threatened status for the western distinct population segment of the yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus).  Federal Register.  78(192):61622-61666.  Available from A13FWS04IDUS
Gates KK, Kerans BL, Keebaugh JL, Kalinowski S, Vu N.  2013.  Taxonomic identity of the endangered Snake River physa, Physa natricina (Pulmonata: Physidae) combining traditional and molecular techniques.  Conservation Genetics.  14(1):159-169. A13GAT01IDUS
Gonzalez VH, Griswold TL.  2013.  Wool carder bees of the genus Anthidium in the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): diversity, host plant associations, phylogeny, and biogeography.  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.  168(2):221–425. A13GON01IDUS
González-Santillán E, Prendini L.  2013.  Redefinition and generic revision of the North American Vaejovid scorpion subfamily Syntropinae Kraepelin, 1905, with descriptions of six new genera.  Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.  382:1-71.  Available from A13GON02IDUS
Gray EC, Muir PS.  2013.  Does Kochia prostrata Spread From Seeded Sites? An Evaluation From Southwestern Idaho, USA Rangeland Ecology and Management.  66:191–203. A13GRA01IDUS
Gregory R, Arvai J, Gerber LR.  2013.  Structuring decisions for managing threatened and endangered species in a changing climate.  Conservation Biology.  27(6):1212–1221.  Available from A13GRE01IDUS
Greco S.E.  2013.  Patch change and the shifting mosaic of an endangered bird's habitat on a large meandering river.  River Research and Applications.  29(6):707–717.  Available from A13GRE02IDUS
Grinnell J., Swarth H.S.  1913.  Oreortyx picta plumifera. An account of the birds and mammals of the San Jacinto area of southern California; with remarks upon the behavior of geographic races on the margins of their habitats.  10, University of California Publications in Zoology.  Berkeley (CA): University of California Press.   p. 228-232.  Available from A13GRI01IDUS
Hardy R, Paragamian VL.  2013.  A synthesis of Kootenai River burbot stock history and future management goals.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  142(6):1662–1670. A13HAR01IDUS
Harmata AR, Restani M.  2013.  Lead, mercury, selenium and other trace elements in tissues of golden eagles in southwestern Montana, USA.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  49(1):114–124.  Available from A13HAR02IDUS
Hatten T.D, Looney C., Strange J.P, Bosque-Pérez N.A.  2013.  Bumble bee fauna of Palouse Prairie: survey of native bee pollinators in a fragmented ecosystem.  Journal of Insect Science.  13:art26.  Available from A13HAT01IDUS
Ibrahim MAli, Na MK, Oh J, Schinazi RF, McBrayer TR, Whitaker T, Doerksen RJ, Newman DJ, Zachos LG, Hamann MT.  2013.  Significance of endangered and threatened plant natural products in the control of human disease.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  110:16832-16837.  Available from A13IBR01IDUS
Inman RM, Brock BL, Inman K, Sartorius SS, Aber BC, Giddings B, Cain SL, Orme ML, Fredrick JA, Oakleaf BJ et al..  2013.  Developing priorities for metapopulation conservation at the landscape scale: wolverines in the western United States.  Biological Conservation.  166:276-286.  Available from A13INM01IDUS
Journal IState.  2013.  INL Site biologists capture rare bat visitor.  Idaho State Journal.    Available from A13ISJ01IDUS
Johnson PD, Bogan AE, Brown KM, Burkhead NM, Cordeiro JR, Garner JT, Hartfield PD, Lepitzki DAW, Mackie GL, Pip E et al..  2013.  Conservation status of freshwater gastropods of Canada and the United States.  Fisheries.  38(6):247-282. A13JOH01IDUS
Khoury CK, Greene S, Wiersema J, Maxted N, Jarvis A, Struik PC.  2013.  An Inventory of Crop Wild Relatives of the United States.  Crop Science.  53:1496-1508. A13KHO01IDUS
Knudsen GR, Dixon RD, Amelon SK.  2013.  Potential spread of white-nose syndrome of bats to the Northwest: epidemiological considerations.  Northwest Science.  87(4):292-306. A13KNU01IDUS