Bibliography and Citations

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Rosentreter R..  0.  Anthony's evening primrose monitoring plan.  
Perrin W.G, Evans G.R.  0.  Bear Lake National Wildlife Refuge: special report on soil survey and range site and condition survey.  
[Anonymous].  0.  A bibliography of mustelids. Part VI: Wolverine.  Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan State University, East Lansing.  No. 9214:49pp..
Flamm B.R.  0.  Biological diversity: a challenge for forestry.  
Anonymous.  0.  Birdlife in western junipers.  
[Anonymous].  0.  Birds of the Coeur d'Alene latilong.  
Caicco S.L.  0.  Boise North quadrangle map showing Allium aaseae and Astragalus mulfordiae sites.  
[Anonymous].  0.  Breeding Bird Survey.  
Anonymous.  0.  Bull Run Project, issues and concerns and FERC study plan.  
Caldwell Public Library.  0.  Caldwell Public Library, Directory of Idaho Foundations.  Caldwell Public Library. No date. Directory of Idaho Foundations..  
Henderson D.M.  0.  Checklist of the vascular plants of the Mt. Borah Region.  
Gill D.C.  0.  Common mosses of Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  0.  Conservation Agreement (CA) for Primula alcalina, alkali primrose, Draft.  
Darling F.F.  0.  Conservation and ecological theory.  Journal of Ecology.  52(Supplement):39-45.
Wallen R.L.  0.  Contents of a speech Rick Wallen gave on the harlequin duck.  
Taylor D.W.  0.  Copies of portions of topographic maps on which Taylor marked locations of his collections of snail species on the Snake River, Bruneau Dunes to Kanaka Rapids.  
Groves C..  0.  Copy of a single page of handwritten notes, summarizing the known locations and collections of Glacicavicola bathyscioides, the blind cave leiodid beetle, including the only mention of Al Allen's collection of the beetle at Crystal Ice Caves.  Groves, C. [no date] Copy of a single page of handwritten notes, summarizing the known locations and collections of Glacicavicola bathyscioides, the blind cave leiodid beetle, including the only mention of Al Allen's collection of the beetle at Crystal Ic.  
Shook G..  0.  Copy of information sheet regarding three subspecies of Cicindela arenicola in Idaho.  
Elliman T., Dalton A..  0.  Cypripedium fasciculatum Kellog ex Watson in Montana.  North American Native Orchid Journal.  :Notpaged.
Baker B.  0.  Danskin Cattle LLC: Efforts undertaken to support conservation of Slickspot peppergrass.  
Anonymous.  0.  Data sheet of unknown source listing five occurrences of Eburophyton austiniae in the vicinity of Moose Creek in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area.  
Gill G.R.  0.  Developing public participation and certification in bird inventories to assist in an ecosystem approach of maintaining Idaho's biological diversity of birdlife.  
Winward A.H.  0.  Diagramatic key showing differentiating characteristics which separate sagebrush taxa in Oregon.  
Anonymous.  0.  Dialog Information Services printout of citations to publications associated with Townsend's big-eared bat.  
Unknown.  0.  Distribution of three Rhizoplaca species.  Unknown. No date. Distribution of three Rhizoplaca species..