Bibliography and Citations

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Journal Article
Leonard WP, Chichester L, Baugh J, Wilke T.  2003.  Kootenai burkei, a new genus and species of slug from northern Idaho, United States (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Arionidae).  Zootaxa.  355:1-16.  Available from
Phillips A.R.  1994.  The Known Birds of North and Middle America versus the current AOU list.  Auk.  111:770-773.
Benedict E.M, Forbes R.B.  1979.  Kit fox skulls in a southeastern Oregon cave.  Murrelet.  60:25-27.
Egoscue H.J.  1964.  The kit fox in southwestern Colorado.  Southwestern Naturalist.  9(1):40.
Thomson JW.  1993.  A Key to Xanthoparmelia in North America, Extracted from the World Keys of Hale 1990.  The Bryologist .  96(3):3pp.  Available from
Groves C.R, Steenhof K..  1987.  Kestrel cabins.  Idaho Wildlife.  7(5):1.
Love R.M.  2001.  Ken Chambers: taxonomic rigor and rare plant protection in Oregon.  Kalmiopsis (Journal of the Native Plant Society of Oregon).  8:10-16.
Utech F.H.  1979.  Karyotype analysis palynology and external seed morphology of Tofieldia tenuifolia (Michx.) Utech (Liliaceae-Tofieldieae).  Annals of Carnegie Museum.  48(10):171-184.
Goldingay RL, Kelly PA, Williams DF.  1997.  The kangaroo rats of California: endemism and conservation of keystone species.  Pacific Conservation Biology.  3:47-60.  Available from
Native Plant Society of Oregon.  2004.  Kalmiopsis.  Kalmiopsis: Journal of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.  
Ertter B..  1986.  The Juncus triformis complex.  Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden.  Vol. 39:90p.
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Murphey K.A.  1991.  The Jarbidge rock art site: pictographs in the high desert country of southwestern Idaho.  Idaho Archaeologist.  14(2):17-32.
Marks J.S, Doremus J.H, Cannings R.J.  1989.  J. H. Doremus, and R. J. Cannings. 1989. Polygyny in the northern saw-whet owl.  Auk.  106:732-734.
Shine R., Elphrick M.J, Harlow P.S, Moore I.T, LeMaster M.P, Mason R.T.  2001.  . J. Elphrick, P. S. Harlow, I. T. Moore, M. P. LeMaster, and R. T. Mason. 2001. Movements, mating, and dispersal of red-sided gartersnakes (THAMNOPHIS SIRTALIS PARIETALIS) from a communal den in Mani.  Copeia.  2001:82-91.
Noyes R.D, Rieseberg L.H.  1999.  ITS sequence data support a single origin for North American Astereae (Asteraceae) and reflect deep geographic divisions in Aster S.L.  American Journal of Botany.  86(3):398-412.
Pruett CL, Patten MA, Wolfe DH.  2009.  It's not easy being green: wind energy and a declining grassland bird.  BioScience.  59(3):257-262.  Available from
Idaho Statesman.  1994.  It's final. Wolves will return to Yellowstone.  Idaho Statesman.  41133
Pryer K.M, Haufler C.H.  1993.  Isozymic and chromosomal evidence for the allotetraploid origin of Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae).  Systematic Botany.  18(1):150-172.
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Fraley, Jr. L, Bowman GC, Markham O.D.  1982.  Iodine-129 in rabbit thyroids near a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Idaho.  Health Physics.  43(2):251-258.  Available from
Naseath B.  1974.  Investigations of food chains in the blind beetle - cave ecosystems of Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  10(2):77-81.
Bjork CR, Darrach M.  2009.  An investigation of morphological evidence supports the resurrection of Pyrrocoma scaberula (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  3(1):231-238.
Lott P.A.  1982.  An investigation of its uses by Indians of the Great Basin.  Mentzelia, The Journal of The Northern Nevada Native Plant Society.  :14-17.