Bibliography and Citations

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Fisher H.M, Thomas A.E.  1990.  Riparian communities: an annotated bibliography of ecosystem and management topics with emphaiss on the Intermountain West.  
Fisher J.S.  1979.  Reproduction in the pygmy rabbit in southeastern Idaho.  :32pp.
Fischer W.C, Miller M., Johnston C.M, Smith J.K, Simmerman D.G, Brown J.K.  1996.  Fire effects information system: user's guide.  
Fischer W.C, Clayton B.D.  1983.  Fire ecology of Montana forest habitat types east of the Continental Divide.  
Fischer W.C.  1990.  Fire effects information system plant species, cover type, and wildlife species list.  
Fischer W.C, Bradley A.F.  1992.  Fire ecology of western Montana forest habitat types.  
Fischer R.A.  1994.  The effects of prescribed fire on the ecology of migratory sage grouse in southeastern Idaho.  
Fischer RA, Apa AD, Wakkinen WL, Reese KP, Connelly JW.  1993.  Nesting-area fidelity of sage grouse in southeastern Idaho.  Condor.  95(4):1038-1041.  Available from
Finley, Jr. RB, Creasy J.  1982.  First specimen of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) from Colorado.  Great Basin Naturalist.  42(3):360.  Available from
Finklin A.I.  1983.  Climate of Priest River Experimental Forest, northern Idaho.  
Finklin A.I.  1983.  Summarizing weather and climatic data - a guide for wildland managers.  
Finklin A.I.  1983.  Weather and climate of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.  
Finklin A.I.  1988.  Climate of the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness, Central Idaho.  
Finklin A.I, Fischer W.C.  1987.  Climate of the Deception Creek Experimental Forest, northern Idaho.  
Findley J..  1998.  Grazing mortality study: Astragalus mulfordiae.  
Findley J.S, Traut G.L.  Submitted.  Geographic variation in PIPISTRELLUS HESPERUS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  51:741-765.
Findley J..  1989.  Rare plant survey forms and distribution maps for Astragalus mulfordiae.  
Findley J..  2007.  Lepidium davisii habitat photos.  
Findholt S, Trost CH.  1981.  White pelicans nesting in Idaho.  Murrelet.  62(1):19-20.  Available from
Findholt S.L.  1994.  Status and distribution of the Laridae in Wyoming through 1986.  Great Basin Naturalist.  54(4):342-350.
Findholt SL.  1984.  Organochlorine residues, eggshell thickness, and reproductive success of snowy egrets nesting in Idaho.  Condor.  86(2):163-169.  Available from
Findholt S.L, Trost C..  1982.  First nesting record of the cattle egret in Idaho.  Murrelet.  63:88-89.
Findholt SL, Trost CH.  1985.  Organochlorine pollutants, eggshell thickness, and reproductive success of black-crowned night-herons in Idaho, 1979.  Colonial Waterbirds.  8(1):32-41.
Finch D.M.  1991.  Population ecology, habitat requirements, and conservation of neotropical migratory birds.  
Finch D.M.  1989.  Habitat use and habitat overlap of riparian birds in three elevational zones.