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Journal Article
Hazell P., Gustafsson. L..  1999.  Retention of trees at final harvest - evaluation of a conservation technique using epiphytic bryophyte and lichen transplants.  Biological Conservation.  90:133-142.
Craig T.H, Craig E.H.  1984.  Results of a helicopter survey of cliff nesting raptors in a deep canyon in southern Idaho.  Raptor Research.  18(1):20-25.  Available from
Hopey M.E, Petranka J.W.  1991.  Restriction of wood frogs to fish-free habitats: how important is adult choice? Copeia.  994:1023-1025.
Keane R.E, Parsons R.A..  2010.  Restoring Whitebark Pine Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA. Research Report.  Ecological Restoration.  28(1):56-70,15pp..
Shea RE, Nelson HK, Gillette LN, King JG, Weaver DK.  2002.  Restoration of trumpeter swans in North America: a century of progress and challenges.  Waterbirds.  25(Spec Pub 1):296-300.  Available from
Friedman J.M, Scott M.L, Lewis, Jr. W.M.  1995.  Restoration of riparian forest using irrigation, artificial disturance, and natural seedfall.  Environmental Management.  19(4):547-557.
Erwin R.M.  1989.  Responses to human intruders by birds nesting in colonies: experimental results and management guidelines.  Colonial Waterbirds.  12(1):104-108.
Chubbs TE, Keith LB, Mahoney SP, McGrath MJ.  1993.  Responses of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) to clear-cutting in east-central Newfoundland.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  71(3):487-493.  Available from
Kirkland, Jr. GL.  1977.  Responses of small mammals to the clearcutting of northern Appalachian forests.  Journal of Mammalogy.  58(4):600-609.  Available from
Groves CR, Steenhof K.  1988.  Responses of small mammals and vegetation to wildfire in shadscale communities of Southwestern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  62(5):205-210.  Available from
Santillo DJ, Leslie, Jr. DM, Brown PW.  1989.  Responses of small mammals and habitat to glyphosate application on clearcuts.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  53(1):164-172.  Available from
Muir P.S, Moseley R.K.  1994.  Responses of Primula alcalina, a threatened species of alkaline seeps, to site and grazing.  Natural Areas Journal.  14:269-279.
Garrison B.A, Wachs R.L, Triggs M.L.  2003.  Responses of landbirds to group selection logging in the central Sierra Nevada.  California Fish and Game.  89(4):155-175.
Shinn SL, Thill DC.  2002.  The response of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), annual grasses, and smooth brome (Bromus inermis) to imazapic and picloram.  Weed Technology.  16(2):366-370.  Available from
Eckert R.E., Bruner A.D, Klomp G.J.  1972.  Response of understory species following herbicidal control of low Sagebrush.  Journal of Range Management.  25:280-285.
Titus J.R, VanDruff L.W.  1981.  Response of the common loon to recreational pressure in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, northeastern Minnesota.  Wildlife Monographs.  79:1-59.
Johnson MK.  1982.  Response of small mammals to livestock grazing in southcentral Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  35(1):51-53.  Available from
Reynolds TD.  1979.  Response of reptile populations to different land management practices on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site.  Great Basin Naturalist.  39(3):255-262.  Available from
Reynolds TD, Trost CH.  1980.  The response of native vertebrate populations to crested wheatgrass planting and grazing by sheep.  Journal of Range Management.  33(2):122-125.  Available from
Burger J..  1990.  Response of hatchling pine snakes (PITUOPHIS MELANOLEUCUS) to cues of sympatric snakes.  Copeia.  1990:1160-1163.
Jeffrey D.W, Pigott C.D.  1973.  The response of grasslands on sugar-limestone in Teesdale to applications of phosphorus and nitrogen.  Journal of Ecology.  61:85-92.
Koprowski J.L.  1991.  Response of fox squirrels and gray squirrels to a late spring-early summer food shortage.  Journal of Mammalogy.  72:367-372.
Kilgore BM.  1971.  Response of breeding bird populations to habitat changes in a giant sequoia forest.  American Midland Naturalist.  85(1):135-152.
Maret T.R, Cain D.J, MacCoy D.E, Short T.M.  2003.  Response of benthic invertebrate assemblages to metal exposure and bioaccumulation associated with hard-rock mining in northwestern streams, USA.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society.  22(4):598-620.  Available from
Severns PM.  2005.  Response of a terrestrial mollusc community to an autumn prescribed burn in a rare wetland prairie of western Oregon, USA.  Journal of Molluscan Studies.  71(2):181–187.  Available from