Bibliography and Citations

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Bernatas S., Moseley R.K.  1995.  Population monitoring data for Lepidium davisii at Mountain Home Air Force Base, 1991-1995.  
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K.  1995.  Population monitoring data for Lepidium davisii at Mountain Home Air Force Base, 1991-1995.  
Bernatas S., Moseley R.K, Strickler K..  1995.  Population monitoring of Lepidium davisii (Davis' peppergrass), Small Arms Range, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho: 1991-1995, Final Report.  
Allen D.B, Yundt S.P, Flatter B.J.  1995.  Population of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in the Payette River drainage in the Cascade Resource Area of the Bureau of Land Management.  
LaBonte JR.  1995.  Possible threatened or endangered terrestrial predaceous Coleoptera of the Columbia River Basin.    Available from
Huenneke L.F, Thompson. J.K.  1995.  Potential interference between a threatened endemic thistle and an invasive nonnative plant.  Conservation Biology.  9(2):416-425.
Ralls K., White P.J.  1995.  Predation on San Joaquin kits foxes by larger canids.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:723-729.
Baldwin C.T, Brunsfeld S.J.  1995.  Preliminary genetic analysis of Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly), a candidate threatened species.  
Johnston J..  1995.  Preliminary management plan for the bald eagle nest of Lost Valley Reservoir.  
Heidel B..  1995.  Preliminary status report update for Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly), a candidate threatened species.  
Committee on Environment, Natural Resources.  1995.  Preparing for the future through science and technology.  
Konopacky Environmental.  1995.  Presence survey for five ESA-listed species of molluscs in selected sites within the Portneuf, Snake, and Blackfoot River drainages, upstream of American Falls Reservoir, Idaho, during late-September 1994.  
Konopacky Environmental.  1995.  Presence-absence survey for ESA-listed mollusc species at the site of a proposed bridge project on the Snake River, near King Hill, Idaho.  
Konopacky Environmental.  1995.  Presence-absence survey for five ESA-listed species of molluscs in Lower Blue Lake after a drawdown occurrence caused by the operation of an up-gradient groundwater-supplied pump facility for the City of Twin Falls, Idaho.  
Stahlecker D.W, Duncan B..  1995.  Present southern breeding limits of the boreal owl in North America.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(1):67.
Steenhof K..  1995.  Printout of 1993-1995 mid-winter bald eagle survey counts.  
Oechsner M.  1995.  Printout of northern goshawk (Accipter gentilis) sightings on the Targhee National Forest, Teton Basin Ranger District, 1980-1994.  :Pages50-57.
Compton B..  1995.  Printout of sharp-tailed grouse and sage grouse lek locations.  
Greater Yellowstone Conservation Data Center.  1995.  Priority species list for the Greater Yellowstone Conservation Data Center.  
Sutton D.A.  1995.  Problems of taxonomy and distribution in four species of chipmunks.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:843-850.
Brown J.K, Mutch R.W, Spoon C.W, Wakimoto R.H.  1995.  Proceedings: syposium on fire in wilderness and park management; 1993, March 30-April 1; Missoula, MT.  
Shepherd J.F, Harris C.E, Kuttner K.M, Beals J.W.  1995.  Progress report: northern goshawk surveys on BLM lands within the St. Joe Mountains of northern Idaho.  
Evenden A.G.  1995.  R-1/R4/INT research natural areas: basic stewardship monitoring module. USDA Forest Service.  
Winner C..  1995.  Rare Beauty.  Wyoming Wildlife.  :24-29.
Krichbaum R..  1995.  Rare plant inventory - Brownlee-Oxbow transmission line project.