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Lind G.D.  1997.  Lewisia kelloggii (Kellogg's bitterroot).  
Lind G.D.  2000.  Boise National Forest rare plant guide.
Lin C.K, Hsiao J.Y, Lai M.J.  1989.  Studies on the lichen genus Lobaria in Taiwan.  Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China, Part B Life Sciences.  13(1):47-55.
Lilieholm RJ, Long JN, Patla S.  1994.  Assessment of goshawk nest stand habitat using stand density index.  Studies in Avian Biology.  16:18-23.  Available from
Lilieholm R.J, Kessler W.B, Merrill K..  1993.  Stand density index applied to timber and goshawk habitat objectives in Douglas-fir.  Environmental Management.  17(6):773-779.
Ligon J.D.  1973.  Foraging behavior of the white-headed woodpecker in Idaho.  Auk.  90:862-869.  Available from
J. Ligon D, Stacey PB, Conner RN, Bock CE, Adkisson CS.  1986.  Report of the American Onithologists' Union Committee for the Conservation of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker.  Auk.  103(4):848-855.  Available from
Ligon J.D.  1973.  Foraging behavior of the white-headed woodpecker in Idaho.  Auk.  90:862-869.
Ligon J.D.  1968.  Sexual differences in foraging behavior in two species of Dendrocopos woodpeckers.  Auk.  85(2):203-215.  Available from
Ligon J.D.  1968.  Observations on Strickland's woodpecker, Dendrocopos stricklandi.  Condor.  70(1):83-84.  Available from
Light JE, Hafner JC, Upham NS, Reddington E.  2013.  Conservation genetics of kangaroo mice, genus Microdipodops.  Journal of Mammalian Evolution.  20(2):129-146.  Available from
Life Sciences Museum, Brigham Young University.  Submitted.  Life Sciences Museum, Brigham Young University. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout.  Life Sciences Museum, Brigham Young University. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..  
Lichvar R.W.  1980.  Wyoming Natural Heritage Program - update of Federally proposed species for the Endangered Species Act.  
Lichvar R., Dixon L..  2007.  Wetland plants of specialized habitats in the arid west.  Technical Report.  
Lichvar R.W.  1984.  A re-evaluation of Physaria didymocarpa var. integrifolia (Cruciferae).  Madrono.  31(4):203-207.
Lichvar R, Dixon L.  2011.  Flora and Field Guide References Supporting All U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Regional Supplements. ERDC/CRREL SR-11-1.  Hanover (NH): US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.  
Lichvar R., Dixon L..  2011.  Flora and field guide references supporting all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Regional Supplements.  Technical Report.  
Lichvar R..  2002.  U.S. Air Force response to proposal to list Lepidium papilliferum as endangered (67 FR 46441), comments on the taxonomic status of Lepdidum papilliferum (in litt.).  
Lichthardt J, Pekas KM.  2019.  Water howellia (Howellia aquatilis) Monitoring in Northern Idaho, 2005 to 2017.  
Lichthardt J..  1996.  Field notes for the Westside Tomer Butte site (S.USIDHP*213).  
Lichthardt J., Murphy C..  1998.  Field notes for the China Creek Cedar Grove site (S.USIDHP*261).  
Lichthardt J.J.  1992.  Forest Service Region 1 Sensitive plant species known or suspected to occur on the Nez Perce National Forest.  
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Conservation strategy for Allotropa virgata (candystick), U.S. Forest Service, northern and intermountain regions.  
Lichthardt J..  1992.  Report on a sensitive plant survey of portions of the Sneaky-Sheep, Mid-Skull/Upper Bear, and Leuty timber sale areas.  
Lichthardt J..  1997.  Field notes for the Tumble Creek Cedar Grove site (S.USIDHP*360).