Bibliography and Citations

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Frounfelker C.R.  1977.  Prey selection of the great horned owl with reference to habitat and prey availability.  
Evans H..  1960.  A preliminary investigation of caribou in northwestern United States.  :145pp.
Arvey M.D.  1940.  A preliminary check-list of the birds of northern Idaho.  :42pp.
Olson, Jr. A.C.  1942.  A preliminary annotated check-list of the birds of northern Idaho.  :53pp..
Lawes TJ.  2009.  Potential barriers to movements and habitat selection of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) after experimental translocation.  Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Wildlife Science Program.  :115.  Available from
Ulmschneider H..  1990.  Post-nesting ecology of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) in southwestern Idaho.  :106pp..
Barrett JShane.  2005.  Population viability of the southern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus endemicus): effects of an altered landscape.  Department of Biological Sciences.  :151.
Canwell S.  2015.  Population genetics of Phalaris arundinacea L. in a western United States wetland.  School of the Environment, Washington State University.  :44.
Stillman A..  2006.  Population genetics and mating system of the rare polyploid Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae), a Southwestern Idaho endemic.  :110pp..
Berg K.S.  1986.  Population ecology of Menzies' wallflower, Erysimum menziesii (Hook.) Wetts., an endangered California mustard.  :45pp.
Maxwell B..  1990.  The population dynamics and growth of salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis and thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus).  :232.
Magoun AJ.  1985.  Population characteristics, ecology, and management of wolverines in northwestern Alaska.  :178p.+appendixes.
Drewek, Jr. J..  1970.  Population characteristics and behavior of introduced bighorn sheep in Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Wilde D.B.  1978.  A population analysis of the pygmy rabbit (Sylvilagus idahoensis) on the INEL site.  :161pp..
Hironaka M..  1963.  Plant-environment relations of major species in sagebrush-grass vegetation of southern Idaho.  
Concannon D..  1978.  Plant sucession on burned areas in the Artemesia Tridentata Agropyron spicatum habitat types in Southeasther Oregon.  
Blackburn W.H.  1967.  Plant succession on selected habitat types in Nevada.  :162pp.
Seipel T.F..  2006.  Plant species diversity in the sagebrush steppe of Montana.  Unpublished Thesis.  :161pp..
Rumely J.H.  1956.  Plant ecology of a bog in northern Idaho.  :85pp..
Mairs J.W.  1977.  Plant Communities of the Steens Mountain Subalpine Grassland and their relationship to certain environmental elements.  
Reynolds J..  1983.  A plan for the reintroduction of swift fox to the Canadian prairie.  :112pp..
Miller A.  2008.  Phylogeography and geographical variation of behavioral and morphological characteristics in Paruroctonus boreus [dissertation].  Biology.  :65.  Available from
Crawford R.C.  1980.  Permanent plot locations of Phlox idahonis [part of: Ecological investigations and management implications of six northern Idaho endemic plants on the proposed endangered and threatened lists. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. . Thesis.  :200pp..
Runquist EBrandon.  2012.  Patterns and mechanisms of divergence in butterflies across spatial scales [dissertation].  Ecology.  :117.  Available from
Fahler NA.  1998.  Owls of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.  Department of Natural Resource Management, Graduate Program in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.  :97.  Available from