Bibliography and Citations

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Miller R.  2016.  Survey results for white-headed woodpecker, Picoides albolarvatus, on the Nez Perce–Clearwater National Forests, 2016 [Excel spreadsheet].  
Miller M.T, Dring T..  1988.  Territorial defense of multiple lakes by common loons: a preliminary report.
Miller RA.  2019.  Roadway mortality data encountered during Short-eared Owl surveys.  
Miller RF, Chambers JC, Evers L, C. Williams J, Snyder KA, Roundy BA, Pierson FB.  2019.  The ecology, history, ecohydrology, and management of pinyon and juniper woodlands in the Great Basin and Northern Colorado Plateau of the western United States.  
Miller J., Irwin J..  2014.  Specimen labels for 2014 field season collections.  
Miller R.  2016.  IBCP short-eared owl survey results from 2015 and 2016.  :2376records.
Miller R, Benkman CW.  2022.  Cassia Crossbill core point count data from 2003-2018.  
Miller MW, Knowles DP, Bulgin MS.  2008.  Pasteurellosis transmission risks between domestic and wild sheep.    Available from
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2020.  Mapping Castilleja christii (Christ’s paintbrush) on Mount Harrison, Cassia County, Idaho.  
Miller JC, Hammond PC.  2003.  Lepidoptera of the Pacific Northwest: caterpillars and adults. Morgantown (WV): U. S. Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET).    Available from
Miller E.V.  1950.  The life history and management of mountain quail in California.  
Miller R, Behl NJ, Benkman CW.  2022.  Behl & Benkman’s Cassia Crossbill point count data from 2016.  
Miller RA, Paprocki N, Stuber MJ, Moulton CE, Carlisle JD.  2016.  Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) surveys in the North American Intermountain West: utilizing citizen scientists to conduct monitoring across a broad geographic scale.  Avian Conservation and Ecology.  11(1):art3.  Available from
Miller A.L, Makowsky R.A, Formanowicz D.R, Prendini L., Cox C.L.  2014.  Cryptic genetic diversity and complex phylogeography of the boreal North American scorpion, Paruroctonus boreus (Vaejovidae).  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.  71:298-307.  Available from
Miller JJ.  2010.  Ute ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) monitoring on the South Fork Snake River, Idaho: sixth year results.  
Miller, Jr. O.K, Trueblood E., Jenkins D.T.  1990.  Three new species of Amanita from southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon.  Mycologia.  82(1):120-128.
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2017.  2014 Census of Spiranthes diluvialis (Ute ladies’-tresses) Element Occurrences: South Fork of the Snake River.  
Miller M..  1977.  Response of blue huckleberry to prescribed fires in a western Montana larch-fir forest.  
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2020.  Field Surveys for Spiranthes diluvialis (Ute ladies’-tresses): South Fork of the Snake River.  
Miller N.G.  1990.  The management of rare plants: suggestions derived from paleoecological studies of late-Pleistocene floras. No. 471.  
Miller DA, Arnett EB, Lacki MJ.  2003.  Habitat management for forest-roosting bats of North America: a critical review of habitat studies.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  31(1):30-44.
Miller RA, Carlisle JD.  2019.  Woodpecker population monitoring on the Boise National Forest: project protocol. Version 1.0.  :18+app.
Miller M.T, Allen G.A.  1997.  Noteworthy collections: British Columbia.  Madrono.  44:281.
Miller M.T, Rust S..  2004.  Establishment record for Upper Priest River Research Natural Area within Idaho Panhandle National Forts, Bonner County, Idaho.  
Miller, Jr. O.K.  1995.  Observations on unusual gasteromycetes from North America.  Documents Mycologiques.  25:259-267.