Bibliography and Citations

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Brunsfeld S.J.  1981.  Alpine flora of east-central Idaho.  :205pp.
Davy A.J, Jefferies R.L.  1981.  Approaches to the monitoring of rare plant populations.
Cousens M.I.  1981.  Blechnum spicant: habitat and vigor of optimal, marginal, and disjunct populations, and field observations of gametophytes.  Botanical Gazette.  142(2):251-258.
Binns N.A.  1981.  Bonneville cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki utah, in Wyoming.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1981.  Bowen Canyon Bald Eagle Sanctuary: an Area of Critical Environmental Concern.  
Christensen J.R.  1981.  The butterflies of the Pacific Northwest.
Ferris C.D, Brown F.M.  1981.  Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain states.
Miller M.T, Brown M.F.  1981.  A catalogue/checklist of butterflies of America north of Mexico.  Lepidopterists' Society Memoir.  No. 2:280pp..
Belles W.S, Wattenbarger D.W, Lee G.A.  1981.  Chemical control of Crupina vulgaris, a new range weed in Idaho and the United States.  Journal of Range Management.  34(6):468-470.
Bayer R.J, Stebbins G.L.  1981.  Chromosome numbers of North American species of Antennaria Gaertner (Asteraceae: Inuleae).  American Journal of Botany.  68(10):1342-1349.
Diller L.V.  1981.  Comparative ecology of Great Basin rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis lutosus) and Great Basin gopher snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus deserticola) and their impact on small mammal populations in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area.  :89pp..
Harniss R.O, Harvey S.J, Murray R.B.  1981.  A computerized bibliography of selected sagebrush species (Genus Artemisia) in western North America.  USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-102.  
Henny CJ, Nelson MW.  1981.  Decline and present status of breeding peregrine falcons in Oregon.  Murrelet.  62(2):43-53.
Haynes C.M, Aird S.D.  1981.  The distribution and habitat requirements of the wood frog (Ranidae: Rana sylvatica Le Conte) in Colorado.  
Barneby R.C.  1981.  Dragma hippomanicum VII: A new alpine Astragalus (leguminosae) from western Wyoming.  Brittonia.  33(2):156-158.
Fritts SH, L. Mech D.  1981.  Dynamics, movements, and feeding ecology of a newly protected wolf population in northwestern Minnesota.  Wildlife Monographs.  80:1-79.  Available from
Schofield W.B.  1981.  Ecological significance of morphological characters in the moss gametophyte.  Bryologist.  84(2):149-165.
Messick J.D, Hornocker M.G.  1981.  Ecology of the badger in southwestern Idaho.  Wildlife Monographs.  76:76:1-51.
Hornocker M.G, Hash. H.S.  1981.  Ecology of the wolverine in northwestern Montana.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  59(7):1286-1301.
Lindholm T., Vasander H..  1981.  The effect of summer frost damage on the growth and production of some raised bog dwarf shrubs.  Annales Botanici Fennici.  18(2):155-168.
Robbins CS.  1981.  Effect on time of day on bird activity.  Studies in Avian Biology.  6:275-286.  Available from
Ream C.H.  1981.  The effects of fire and other disturbances on small mammals and their predators: an annotated bibliography.  
Jones K.B.  1981.  Effects of grazing on lizard abundance and diversity in western Arizona.  Southwestern Naturalist.  26(6):107-115.
Platts W.S.  1981.  Effects of sheep grazing on a riparian- stream environment.  
Washington Natural Heritage Program.  1981.  Endangered, threatened and sensitive vascular plants of Washington.