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Heekin P.E, Reese K.P.  1995.  Validation of a mountain quail survey technique.  
Reese K.P, Heekin P.E.  1994.  Validation of a mountain quail survey technique.  
Dickerman R.W.  1991.  On the validity of BUBO VIRGINIANUS OCCIDENTALIS Stone.  Auk.  108:964-965.
Thorington, Jr. R.W, Musante A.L, Anderson C.G, Darrow K..  1996.  Validity of three genera of flying squirrels: EOGLAUCOMYS, GLAUCOMYS, and HYLOPETES.  Journal of Mammalogy.  77:69-83.
Bursik RJ, Henderson DM.  1995.  Valley peatland flora of Idaho.  Madrono.  42(3):366-395.  Available from
Burton P.J, Balisky A.C, Coward L.P, Cumming S.G, Kneeshaw D.D.  1992.  The value of managing for biodiversity.  Forestry Chronicle.  68(2):225-237.
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Goodman K.T.  1999.  Vanishing rivers site conservation plan: Idaho Batholith ecoregion.  
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Snell R.R.  1991.  Variably plumaged Icelandic herring gulls reflect founders not hybrids.  Auk.  108:329-341.
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Boyd D.K, Ream R.R, Pletscher D.H, Fairchild M.W.  1993.  Variation in denning and parturition dates of a wild gray wolf, Canis lupus, in the Rocky Mountains.  Canadian Field Naturalist.  107:359-360.
Thomas D.W, Bell G.P, Fenton M.B.  1987.  Variation in echolocation call frequencies recorded from North American vespertilionid bats: a cautionary note.  Journal of Mammalogy.  68(4):842-847.
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Murray KL, Britzke ER, Robbins LW.  2001.  Variation in search-phase calls of bats.  Journal of Mammalogy.  82(3):728-737.