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Rehfeldt GE, Ferguson DE, Crookston NL.  2009.  Aspen, climate, and sudden decline in western USA.  Forest Ecology and Management.  258(11):2353–2364.  Available from
Mueggler WF.  1988.  Aspen community types of the Intermountain Region.    Available from
Kay CE.  1997.  Is aspen doomed? Journal of Forestry.  95(5):4-11.  Available from
DeByle NV, Winokur RP.  1985.  Aspen: ecology and management in the western United States.    Available from
East[ern] Idaho Aspen Working Group(EIAWG) Technical Committee.  2014.  Aspen toolbox: tools, techniques and commonsense guidelines for promoting, restoring, and managing aspen on the landscape. Draft.    Available from
Sohrabi M, Stenroos S, Hognabba F, Nordin A, Owe-Larsson B.  2011.  Aspicilia rogeri sp. nov. (Megasporaceae) and other allied vagrant species in North America.  Bryologist.  114:178-189.
Moran R.C.  1982.  The Asplenium trichomanes complex in the United States and adjacent Canada.  American Fern Journal.  72(1):5-11.
Lehman R.N, Carpenter L.B, Steenhof K., Kochert M.N.  1995.  Assessing abundance and nesting success of benchland raptors in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area–an evaluation of methods.  
Mancuso M., Murphy C., Moseley R..  1998.  Assessing and monitoring habitat integrity for Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) in the sagebrush-steppe of southwestern Idaho.  
Uliczka H., Angelstam P..  2000.  Assessing conservation values of forest stands based on specialised lichens and birds.  Biological Conservation.  95:343-351.
Edelmann F.B, Ulliman M.J, Wisdom M.J, Reese K.P, Connelly J.W.  1998.  Assessing habitat quality using population fitness parameters: a remote sensing/GIS based habitat-explicit population model for sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus).  
Kunz TH, Arnett EB, Cooper BM, Erickson WP, Larkin RP, Mabee T, Morrison ML, M. Strickland D, Szewczak JM.  2007.  Assessing impacts of wind-energy development on nocturnally active birds and bats: a guidance document.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  71(8):2449–2486.  Available from
Benjamin L., Van Kirk R.W.  1999.  Assessing instream flows and reservoir operations on an eastern Idaho river.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association.  35:899-909.
Hill AC.  2010.  Assessing linkages among landscape characteristics, stream habitat, and macroinvertebrate communities in the Idaho Batholith Ecoregion.  Watershed Sciences.  :100.  Available from
C. Kinter L, Miller JJ.  2020.  Assessing, monitoring, & surveying Diluvialis (UTS LADIES'-TRESSES) at Chester Wetlands segment of Sand Creek Wildlife Management area: 2014 & 2018.  
Holmes R.T., Sherry T.W..  1988.  Assessing population trends of New Hampshire forest birds: local vs. regional patterns.  Auk.  105:756-768.
Murphy C..  2012.  Assessing Potential Functions and Condition of Restored Wetlands. Appendix 2: Vegetation of assessed restored, enhanced, and created wetlands and reference wetlands.  
Lehman RN, Carpenter L.B, Steenhof K, Kochert MN.  1998.  Assessing relative abundance and reproductive success of shrubsteppe raptors.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  69(2):244-256.
Austin G.T., Margules C.R.  1986.  Assessing representativeness.  
T. Linscott M, Weaver K, Morales V, Parent CE.  2020.  Assessing species number and genetic diversity of the mountainsnails (Oreohelicidae) [plus errata pages].  Conservation Genetics.  21(Dec 2020):971–985.  Available from
Bourgeron P.S, Engelking L.D, Humphries H.C, Muldavin E., Moir W.H.  1995.  Assessing the conservation value of the Gray Ranch: Rarity, diversity, and representativeness.  Desert Plants.  11(2-3):1-68.
Bourgeron P.S, Engelking L.D, Humphries H.C, Muldavin E., Moir W.H.  1995.  Assessing the conservation value of the Gray Ranch: rarity, diversity, and representiveness.  Desert Plants.  11(2-3):68pp.
Nicola S..  2004.  Assessing the effect of humic acids on germinating a native American plant, final technical report.  
Laundré JW, Gabler KI.  1995.  Assessing the potential impact of a candidate threatened and endangered rabbit species on INEL operations.  
Brye K.R, Norman J.M, Gower S.T.  2002.  Assessing the progress of a tallgrass prairie restoration in southern Wisconsin.  American Midland Naturalist.  148:218-235.