Bibliography and Citations

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Makela P..  1993.  Inventory data from a 1993 Burley District, BLM, survey for Idaho dunes tiger beetle in Power County.  
Makela P..  1994.  Inventory data from a 1994 Burley District, BLM, survey for Idaho dunes tiger beetle in Power and Blaine counties.  
Atwood D..  1996.  Inventory for Least phacelia (Phacelia minutissima): a Bureau of Land Management Special Status Plant.  
Atwood D..  1995.  Inventory for least phacelia (Phacelia minutissima), a Federal Category 2 species, final report.  
Moseley R.K.  1993.  Inventory for Macfarlane's Four-o-clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei) in the Lower Salmon River Area of Critical Environmental Concern, Coeur d'Alene District, BLM.  
Heidel B.  2015.  Inventory of alkaline meadows for BLM Sensitive plant species: Antennaria arcuata (Meadow pussytoes), Astragalus diversifolius (Meadow milkvetch) and Cleome multicaulis (Many-stemmed spiderflower), with field-testing of potential distribution models.  
Red Willow Research Inc., Austin M.L.  2002.  An inventory of Brachylagus idahoensis within selected study areas of the Shoshone BLM District.  
Khoury CK, Greene S, Wiersema J, Maxted N, Jarvis A, Struik PC.  2013.  An Inventory of Crop Wild Relatives of the United States.  Crop Science.  53:1496-1508.
Bowers D., Nadeau S..  2000.  Inventory of fungi, plants, and wildlife in the Dworshak Reservoir Project Area, Idaho.  
Bowers D., Nadeau S..  2003.  Inventory of fungi, plants, and wildlife in the Dworshak Reservoir Project Area, Idaho.  
Neiman K..  1987.  Inventory of Garden Creek Ranch conducted during summer of 1987.  
Cole N.K.  1995.  Inventory of plant species of special concern in the Hagerman study area.  
California Native Plant Society.  1988.  Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California.
Fritz M.I, Hardy J.P, Rolfsmeier S..  1992.  Inventory of rare plant species in the Pine Ridge area of Nebraska.  
Asherin D.A, Orme M.L.  1978.  Inventory of riparian habitats and associated wildlife along Dworshak Reservoir and lower Clearwater River.  
Asherin D.A, Claar J.J.  1976.  Inventory of riparian habitats and associated wildlife along the Columbia and Snake Rivers.  
Elliott B.  2023.  Inventory of Slickspot Peppergrass Habitat in Southern Idaho.  Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Twin Falls District Office, Idaho.  
Austin M..  2002.  An inventory of southeast Idaho bat sites: hibernacula, maternity, and transient use of natural and anthropogenic roosts.  
Red Willow Research Inc..  2002.  An inventory of southeast Idaho bat sites: hibernacula, maternity, and transient use of natural and anthropogenic roosts.  
Red Willow Research Inc..  2004.  Inventory of southeast Idaho bat sites: hibernacula, maternity, or transient use of natural and anthropogenic roosts: a supplementary report.  
Austin ML.  2004.  Inventory of southeast Idaho bat sites: use of natural roosts and man-made analogs.  
Collie M..  1983.  Inventory of the birds of Idaho.  
Kaye T.N.  1991.  Inventory of the vascular flora of Dungeness Spit, Clallam County, Washington.  Douglasia Occasional Papers.  4:1-25.
Harrison B.F.  1981.  Inventory of threatened and endangered plants in a portion of the Shoshone District in Butte, Blaine, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Power counties, Idaho.  
Packard P.L, Grimes J.W, Smithman L.C, Smithman J.C, Ralston G.L, Ralston S.J.  1979.  Inventory of threatened and endangered plants located in the Twin Falls Planning Unit.