Novelties in Musineon and Orthocarpus in the Northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah and Idaho, Manuscript Draft

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Novelties in Musineon and Orthocarpus in the Northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah and Idaho, Utah State University, Logan, UT, p.20 (2017)

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Manuscript Number: MADRONO-D-17-00006R1


Bear River Range, edaphic endemism, glacial refugia, Idaho, Musineon (Apiaceae), northern Wasatch Mountains, Orthocarpus (Orobanchaceae), rare plants, Utah


Cover letter and draft manuscript submission provided to Dr. Justen Whittall, Editor, Madrono for “Novelties in Musineon (Apiaceae) and Orthocarpus (Orobanchaceae) in the Northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah and Idaho”. Manuscript Number: MADRONO-D-17-00006R1. <br>

Two novelties from the Bear River Range of the northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah and Idaho are described: Musineon naomiensis L. M. Shultz & F. J. Smith, sp. nov. (Apiaceae) and Orthocarpus holmgreniorum (Chuang & Heckard) L. M. Shultz & F. J. Smith, stat. nov. (Orobanchaceae). Characteristics that distinguish these species from their closest relatives are discussed. With the inclusion of these species, the Bear River Range harbors thirteen endemic plant species, most of which are restricted to dolomitic cliffs in Logan Canyon. Of the 280+ species on the Utah state list of rare plants, most occur in the warm desert portion of the state. Logan Canyon endemics enumerated here mark the Bear River Range as an unusual hotspot of rarity in Utah. <br>


Reference Code: U17SHU01IDUS <br>

Full Citation: Shultz LM, Smith FJ. 2017. Novelties in Musineon (Apiaceae) and Orthocarpus (Orobanchaceae) in the Northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah and Idaho, Manuscript Draft. S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University. Cover letter + 20 pp. <br>


Keywords: Bear River Range, edaphic endemism, glacial refugia, Musineon, Apiaceae, Musineon naomiensis, northern Wasatch Mountains, Orthocarpus, Orobanchaceae, Orthocarpus holmgreniorum, rare plant, Utah, Idaho <br>