Astragalus mulfordiae: Population dynamics and the effect of cattle grazing in the Vale District, BLM

Publication Type:



Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, p.33 + appendixes (2009)

Call Number:



Astragalus mulfordiae, cattle grazing, endangered species, Mulford milkvetch, species of concern, Vale District


Astragalus mulfordiae (Fabaceae, Mulford’s milkvetch) is listed as a Sensitive Plant Species by the USDI Bureau of Land Management, a Species of Concern by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and endangered by the state of Oregon Department of Agriculture (ORNHIC 2007). In 1995, there were 34 known A. mulfordiae populations in Idaho and 38 in Oregon (DeBolt 1995). Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center currently notes 29 occurrences scattered over 1191 km2 in Oregon with a total metapopulation size of less than 12,000 (ORNHIC 2009). <br>

Astragalus mulfordiae is found from the Owyhee Uplands of Malheur County, Oregon east to the Owyhee Front and Boise Foothills of western Idaho. It primarily occurs in shrubsteppe and desert shrub communities on sandy substrates derived from lacustrine and alluvial sediments, including old river deposits, sandy places near rivers, sandy bluffs, and dune-like talus. <br>

This project will provide data on the population biology and long-term trends of A. mulfordiae in the Owyhee Uplands of eastern Oregon. <br>


Reference Code: U09MAS01IDUS <br>

Full Citation: Massatti, R.T. and A.S. Thorpe. 2009. Astragalus mulfordiae: Population dynamics and the effect of cattle grazing in the Vale District, BLM. Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, Oregon and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Vale District. iv + 33 pp.

Location: ELECTRONIC FILE - BOTANY: PLANT SPECIES: Astragalus mulfordiae