eDNA results for 2022 Idaho Fish and Game mussel surveys

Publication Type:



U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station (2023)

Call Number:



Western Ridged Mussel


eDNA results for 181 samples collected during IDFG mussel surveys in 2022. Species detected include: Californa Floater, Oregon Floater, Western Pearlshell, and Western Ridged Mussel.

Environmental DNA results for samples collected by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. All samples were analyzed in triplicate using qPCR assays developed at the National Genomics Center for Wildlife and Fish Conservation. None of the samples in this dataset showed evidence of PCR inhibition. The average number of eDNA copies per reaction was estimated for all positive samples by extrapolation. We analyzed a new standard curve for each species, calculated the trendlines' equations and applied them to the samples.


Electronic Files - Zoology: Invertebrates