Bibliography and Citations

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IUCN Species Survival Commission.  2012.  IUCN Red List categories and criteria: version 3.1. 2nd edition.    Available from
Isle D.W.  1997.  Rediscovery of Water Howellia for California.  Fremontia.  25(3):29-32.
Islam K..  1989.  Taxonomic relationships of mountain quail populations in the Pacific Northwest and bordering states. Draft research proposal.  
Islam K..  1990.  Mountain quail taxonomy.  
Isikawa S..  1955.  Light-sensitivity against the germination II: interaction of light and darkness on the germination of Epilobium cephalostigma seeds.  Botanical Magazine.  68(804):173-179.
Isely D..  1984.  Astragalus L. (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), II: species summary A-E.  Iowa State Journal of Research.  59(2):99-209.
Isely D..  1980.  New combinations and one new variety in Trifoliuim (Leguminosae).  Brittonia.  32(1):55-57.
Isely D..  1998.  Native and Naturalized Leguminosae (Fabaceae) of the United States (exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii).  
Isely D..  1985.  Leguminosae of United States. Astragalus L.: III. Species summary F-M.   Iowa State Journal of Research.  60(2):183-320.
Isely D..  1998.  Native and naturalized Leguminosae (Fabaceae) of the United States (exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii).  :1007pp..
Isely D..  1986.  Leguminosae of the United States. Astragalus L.: IV. Species summary N-Z.  Iowa State Journal of Research.  61(2):157-289.
Isely D..  1983.  Astragalus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae)I.: keys to United States species.  Iowa State Journal of Research.  58(1):3-172.
Isaak DJ, Luce CH, Rieman BE, Nagel DE, Peterson EE, Horan DL, Parkes S, Chandler GL.  2010.  Effects of climate change and wildfire on stream temperatures and salmonid thermal habitat in a mountain river network.  Ecological Applications.  20(5):1350-1371.  Available from
Isaak P..  1934.  The nature of slick soil in southern Idaho.  Soil Science.  37(3):157-166.
Isaak DJ, Young MK, Nagel DE, Horan DL, Groce MC.  2015.  The cold-water climate shield: delineating refugia for preserving salmonid fishes through the 21st century.  Global Change Biology.  21(7):2540–2553.
Isaak DJ, Muhlfeld CC, Todd AS, Al-Chokhachy R, Roberts J, Kershner JL, Fausch KD, Hostetler SW.  2012.  The past as prelude to the future for understanding 21st-century climate effects on Rocky Mountain trout.  Fisheries.  37(12):542-556.  Available from
Isaacs F.B, Anthony R.G, Heyden M.V, Miller C.D.  1996.  Habits of bald eagles wintering along the upper John Day River, Oregon.  Northwest Science.  70(1):1-9.
Irwin JJ.  2014.  Observations - a floristic inventory of east-central Idaho, U.S.A..  :155records.
Irwin JJ.  2014.  A floristic inventory of east-central Idaho, U.S.A.  :99pp.
Irwin JJ, Stubbs R, Hartman RL.  2012.  Polemonium elusum (Polemoniaceae), a New Species from East Central Idaho, U.S.A..  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  6:331-338.
Irwin LL, Peek JM.  1983.  Elk habitat use relative to forest succession in Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  47(3):664-672.
International Association of Lichenologists.  1996.  Lichen specialist group toward a conservation action plan for lichens.  
Intermountain Region U. S. Forest Service.  1990.  History of wildlife management in the Intermountain Region.  Rev./reprint 1990.  
Interior FDepartment, Wildlife Service.  1980.  Emergency dermination of endangered status and designation of critical habitat for Astragalus yoder-williamsii.  
Interior Bof Land Ma.  1986.  Study of the reproductive status of the Bitterroot Milkvetch, Astragalus scaphoides.