Bibliography and Citations
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1996. .
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2001. .
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2001. .
Conservation strategy for Henrys Fork basin wetlands. Available from
1996. .
1998. .
1998. .
1996. .
1996. The genus Carex in the Late Glacial and Holocene of Czechoslovakia. Aquatic Botany. 30:23-37.
1988. Radionuclide transport by cottontail rabbits at a radioactive waste disposal area. Northwest Science. 59(3):221-229. Available from
1985. .
1985. .
1979. Partial loss of red-tailed hawk territories to Swainson's hawks: relations to habitat. Condor. 96:52-57.
1994. Buxbaumia piperi new to California. Bryologist. 72:72-73.