Bibliography and Citations

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Jankovsky-Jones M..  1996.  Field notes for the Beaver Lake Ranch macrosite (S.USIDHP*4980).  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field survey of plant communities at Charlie Sands property, Teton County, Idaho.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field notes for the Kelly Park Natural Area site.  
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1997.  Conservation strategy for Southeastern Idaho wetlands.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field notes for the Henry Stampede Park Springs site.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field notes for the Marsh Creek Fen site.  
Jankovsky-Jones M.  2001.  Wetland conservation strategy for the upper Snake River, Portneuf Drainage, and adjacent valleys.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field notes for the Bear Lake NWR site.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1998.  Field notes for Thompson Lake site (S.USIDHP*317).  
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1997.  Conservation strategy for Northern Idaho wetlands.  
Jankovsky-Jones M., Moseley R..  1996.  Field notes for the Upper Priest River site (S.USIDHP*264).  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1997.  Field notes for Mud Creek site (S.USIDHP*374).  
Jankovsky-Jones M.  2001.  Wetland conservation strategy for the middle and western Snake River and lower reaches of its major tributaries including the Boise River and Payette River.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1995.  Field notes for the Wyoming Creek site.  
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1996.  Conservation strategy for Henrys Fork basin wetlands.    Available from
Jankovsky-Jones M, Hill J.  1998.  Wetland evaluation of Beaver Lake Ranch, addendum.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1998.  Wetland and riparian vegetation of Squaw Creek (Schmelzer property), Gem County, Idaho.  
Jankovsky-Jones M..  1996.  Field notes for the Caribou Marsh site (S.USIDHP*216).  
Jankovsky-Jones M., Moseley R..  1996.  Field notes for the Freeman Lake site (S.USIDHP*185).  
Jankovska V., Rybnicek K..  1988.  The genus Carex in the Late Glacial and Holocene of Czechoslovakia.  Aquatic Botany.  30:23-37.
Janke DH, Arthur W.J.  1985.  Radionuclide transport by cottontail rabbits at a radioactive waste disposal area.  Northwest Science.  59(3):221-229.  Available from
Janes S.W.  1985.  Competitive interactions among Swainson's and red-tailed hawks, with additional notes on the ferruginous hawk, Abstract.
Janes S.W.  1979.  Some physical and biological factors affecting red-tailed hawk productivity.  :38pp..
Janes S.W.  1994.  Partial loss of red-tailed hawk territories to Swainson's hawks: relations to habitat.  Condor.  96:52-57.
Jamieson D.W, Holmberg L.G.  1969.  Buxbaumia piperi new to California.  Bryologist.  72:72-73.