Bibliography and Citations

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Johnson PC, Denton RE.  1975.  Outbreaks of the western spruce budworm in the American northern Rocky Mountain area from 1922 through 1971.    Available from
Johnson G.V, Zhang H..  1983.  Reclaiming Slick-Spots and Salty Soil.  
Johnson N.K.  1969.  Life expectancy of a sagebrush control in central Wyoming.  Journal of Range Management.  22:177-182.
Johnson C.G, Nickerson L.A, Bechard M.J.  1987.  Grasshopper consumption and summer flocks of nonbreeding Swainson's hawks.  Condor.  89(3):676-678.  Available from
Johnson C.A.  1995.  MacFarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei). Unpublished draft report.  
Johnson MK.  1979.  Foods of primary consumers on cold desert shrub-steppe of southcentral Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  32(5):365-368.  Available from
Johnson F.D.  1979.  Notes on Mirabilis macfarlanei.  
Johnson F.D.  1978.  Climate/vegetation/life zone data.  
Johnson S.R.  1995.  Immigration in a small population of Snow Geese.  Auk.  112:731-736.
Johnson F..  1978.  Clearwater Basin sensitive plant study, Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Cardamine constancei Detling.  
Johnson DR.  1967.  Historic record of caribou in central Idaho.  Murrelet.  48(3):57.  Available from
Johnson G.  2017.  2017 Range Improvements Maintenance and Developments CE Botany Surveys and Assessments.  
Johnson N.K, Mattson D.J.  1978.  A survey of sensitive plants of the Snake River corridor, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, United States Forest Service.  
Johnson N.K.  1963.  The supposed migratory status of the flammulated owl.  Wilson Bulletin.  75(2):174-178.  Available from
Johnson F.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Johnson, Fred..  
Johnson N.K, Steele R..  1978.  New plant records for Idaho from Pacific coastal refugia.  Northwest Science.  52(3):205-211.
Johnson DR, Miller DR.  1979.  Observations on reproduction of mountain caribou.  Northwest Science.  53(2):114-117.
Johnson N.K, Peek J.M.  1984.  The black-tailed jackrabbit in Idaho: life history, population dynamics and control.  
Johnson C.A.  1983.  Helicopter survey of the lower Salmon River Canyon for Macfarlane's four o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei).  
Johnson PTJ, Sutherland DR.  2003.  Amphibian deformities and Ribeiroia infection: an emerging helminthiasis.  Trends in Parasitology.  19(8):332-335.  Available from
Johnson E.A.  1987.  The relative importance of snow avalanche disturbance and thinning on tree populations, Abstract.
Johnson N.K, Cassidy K.M.  1997.  Terrestrial mammals of Washington state: location data and predicted distributions. Volume 3.  
Johnson PJ.  1985.  A new species of Exomella from Idaho, with notes on the biology of Exomella pleuralis (Casey) (Coleoptera: Byrrhidae).  Coleopterists Bulletin.  39(2):151-157.  Available from
Johnson MK, Hansen RM.  1979.  Coyote food habits on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  43(4):951-956.
Johnson D.R.  1991.  Structure of small mammal communities in the cedar/hemlock and spruce/subalpine fir habitats, Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho.