Bibliography and Citations

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Mancuso M., Murphy C..  2001.  Field investigation for BLM sensitive rare plant species within the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, southwestern Idaho interim report, 2000.  
Mangel M., Tier C..  1994.  Four factors every conservation biologist should know about persistence.  Ecology.  75(3):607-614.
Mangum F.A.  1990.  Aquatic ecosystem inventory: macroinvertebrate analysis.  
Mann RM, Hyne RV, Choung CB, Wilson SP.  2009.  Amphibians and agricultural chemicals: review of the risks in a complex environment.  Environmental Pollution.  157(11):2903-2927.  Available from
Manning R.W, Jones, Jr. J.K.  1989.  Myotis evotis.  Mammalian Species.  329:1-5.
Mansfield DH, Barbour L.  2022.  Morphological variation in the rare Idaho endemic, Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae) and segregation of Owyhee County populations as a new variety of Lepidium montanum.  Phytoneuron.  46:1-20.  Available from
Mansfield D..  1999.  Final report of riparian graminoid survey for Vale District BLM.  
Mansfield D..  1995.  The unique botany of Steens Mountain: the rare and endemic plants.  Kalmiopsis (Journal of the Native Plant Society of Oregon).  V5:10-17.  Available from
Mansfield D.H.  2000.  Flora of Steens Mountain.
Mansfield D.  2016.  Email correspondence and file attachments of Idaho Rare Plant Observation Reports for 2015.  
Mansfield D.H.  1993.  The status of Primula wilcoxiana and the Primula cusickii complex in Southwestern Idaho.  
Mansfield D.  2016.  The discovery of Monardella angustifolia at Leslie Gulch.  Sage Notes.  
Mansfield DH.  2014.  National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) Owyhee Flora Survey, Project BPS #55234 (2013): Final Report.  
Mansfield DH, Stevens M, Polito L, Smith JF, Darrach M.  2016.  Lomatium basalticum (Apiaceae), a new species from the vicinity of Hells Canyon in Oregon and Idaho.  Phytoneuron.  2016-74:13.  Available from
Mansfield D.H, Miyasaki H..  1993.  Analysis of the habitat requirements of Primula alcalina.  
Mansfield D.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Mansfield, Don..  
Mantas M..  2000.  Status of water howellia (Howellia aquatilis) and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea)in water howellia ponds: 1998 and 1999. Monitoring report.  
Mantas M..  1993.  Ecology and reproductive biology of Epipactis gigantea Dougl. (Orchidaceae) in northwestern Montana.  :73pp..
Mantas M., Wirt R.S.  1995.  Moonwarts of western Montana (Botrychium subgenus Botrychium).  
Manuel MG.  1974.  A revised classification of the Leucodontaceae and a revision of the subfamily Alisiodeae.  Bryologist.  77:149-165.
Marcks BG.  1974.  Preliminary reports on the flora of Wisconsin No. 66. Cyperaceae II - sedge family II. The genus Cyperus - the umbrells sedges.  Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters.  62:261-284.
Marcot B.G.  1995.  Ten questions and answers about population viability.  
Marcot B.G.  1983.  Snag use by birds in Douglas-fir clearcuts.  
Marcot BG, Hill R.  1980.  Flammulated owls in northwestern California.  Western Birds.  11(3):141-149.  Available from
Marcot B.G.  1995.  Owls of old world forests of the world.